Discussion: DNC Chair Dismisses Sanders' Criticism Of Joint Fundraising With Clinton (VIDEO)

How dare anyone criticize joint funding on 4/20!


Comedy gold, baby! I’m lighting one up tonight just for you!


This joint fundraising “scandal” was one of the lamest Hail Mary plays of the Sanders campaign. Of course, the casual dismissal of the complaint from the Bernie campaign was by DWS so…BURN THE WITCH!


I’ve seen people on Daily Kos actually arguing that Bernie has a point here. It’s completely delusional considering that Bernie was presented with the exact same agreement and fundraising scheme and he signed a contract to participate in it.

Just like the 1994 Crime Bill that he voted for and then touted in 2006 as making him “Tough On Crime”, his campaign has exposed him as a hypocritical and dishonest person.


Throughout this campaign, Sanders has not taken advantage of the joint fundraising because he has been campaigning on the issue of getting big money OUT of politics, not encouraging it. The DNC and the Clinton Campaign thrive on the deep pockets of Wall Street, wealthy private donors, SuperPACs and corporate donations to raise money. That Sanders does not means merely that he is being ethical, something that Debbie Wasserman-Schulz is not by any definition, any more than the Clintons.

If the DNC were to reject corporate and wealthy donors, perhaps Sanders might have been willing to engage with them, but they did not. That most of their tactics have been to benefit Clinton, to use Clinton associates in creating questionable software, and to denigrate Sanders at every turn through surrogates, it is not surprising that Sanders would have problems with DWS and the DNC. To say that Sanders is wrong in challenging the close financial dealings of the Clinton campaign and the DNC is in keeping with his insistence that the playing field in politics is tilted in favor of the wealthy at the expense of the rest of us, and if anyone sees it differently, then they are not really looking very closely.

The fact that the nominee will be decided by the Superdelegates who want a chunk of the DNC financial pie shows just how little the actual voters impact the election process, a fact that Sanders has been telling people for years. “Don’t look behind the curtain” should be the mantra of the DNC, Third Way, and the Clinton Campaign. It certainly seems to be working well for them for the last two decades - but for the average voter, not so much.

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Yawn …


This is flat out false. The nominee is being decided by the voters, who have chosen Hillary by millions of votes more than Sanders.


You just keep twisting that purity ring and singing along to the sound of unicorns…

The joint fundraising set up is designed to use the people at the top of the ticket to raise funds that would be generally out of reach for those down ballot – who, BTW are being targeted by big money on the other side (NRA, Koch, etc.) because that’s their formula for winning on their issues.

The Sanders campaign has not just been ambivalent to helping out the rest of the Democratic rank & file but almost hostile to the notion that regaining seats in Congress matters… much less helping put in the ground game to start taking back some of the red states that are starting to become ripe for change due to the shift in demographics.

But then again, it’s easier to diagnose a problem than try and fix it.


No, the nominee will not be decided by the Superdelegates, which is exactly what Sanders wants and his campaign manager is actually threatening. The nominee will be decided by Democratic voters, and Democratic voters are choosing Clinton by a margin of about 2.75 million more people. She’ll have the most raw votes, the most pledged delegates, and the most Superdelegates, and yet you Sanders people are calling foul? The problem for you guys is that the primary election hasn’t been rigged, it hasn’t been corrupt, and your candidate is still losing, so you have to call it rigged and call it corrupt in order to explain away the loss and justify actually stealing the election from voters.


And if the DNC “whores” (don’t think that we REAL Democrats have forgotten that one, Bernie!) were to reject corporate and wealthy donors like the sainted purity patrols of the Sanders campaign righteously demand we should, Dems would lose the 2016 election six ways from Sunday.


When Nixon did that, I was outraged. I can see why Sanders feels he has to stay in the race. Questionable software wil be the end of us all.

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Putting aside for a moment that WS must go…


See. The front-runner raising money for state parties, down-ticket races and her own campaign are “unethical” and “wrong” and “obscene” in the deluded minds of some Sanders nitwits and campaign dipshits.


…aaaaand there we have the buzzword.

Everyone do a shot!


My…my …
Hillary actually fulfilling obligations to her party —

“Both candidates have a joint fundraising agreement that is exactly like the
 joint fundraising agreements that we’ve had with our previous
  candidates for president

It’s an agreement with the party to help others running for office – Bernie just can’t be bothered
to honour his agreements —


What delusional claptrap.

No nomination has ever been decided by the super delegates, and this year will be no exception to that.
Super delegates are either party officials or elected officials for the most part. There is no “DNC financial pie” to get a chunk of—that’s why the joint accounts exist, because they raise money for the DNC and for state parties. This has been going on for at leas 12 years if not longer.
The “Third Way” DLC closed up shop 6 years ago, Snookums, so that part of your little screed is moot.

You really are seriously butthurt, and it shows.
For you:


So, the Democrats should unilaterally disarm in the face of a billion-dollar Republican onslaught.

Got it.


djtroll: The fact that the nominee will be decided by the Superdelegates who want a chunk of the DNC financial pie

dude, what the fuck are you smoking? just how are superdelegates getting dnc money?

you want big money out of politics? invest in HRC, get sensible supreme court justices nominated and confirmed, then reverse citizen’s united. until then, you have to fight fire with fire.


If the nominee was selected solely by the Democratic voters, there wouldn’t be any Superdelegates. There wouldn’t even be delegates, there would just be raw voter numbers.