Discussion: DNC Agrees To Hold Additional Debates

Discussion for article #245335

It’s a win/win as far as I’m concerned.

Hillary needs a platform right now and she always comes off well while Bernie needs to make some inroads in Florida and the Carolinas.

They’ve been keeping it civil and it serves neither one’s purpose to go for a knockout punch.
It’s to Hillary’s benefit to keep Bernie in the game and Bernie’s happy to have his message be heard which is, in turn, good for progressive politics.


In fairness, the Republican Party gives their candidates space too.

The space to agree with what the Koch brothers tell them, and ignore the will of the people.


Has tRump announced his boycott of this debate yet?


Good, the debates have been informative.

For me, lifelong democrat and diehard Obama supporter who wishes that I could vote again for the president (curse that 22nd amendment), I’m looking for the candidate most likely to preserve and extend his policies. Clinton, so far, is winning my test hands down.


This is Great News! … For John McCain!!!


Good outcome. Unnecessarily messy process (unforced error: DNC). But outcome counts way more. So, I’m just glad it all seems to be working out.


I would have liked it better if it included a resignation by DWS.


If he gets the nod, he’ll boycott the general debates. He’ll claim that the media, Democrats, and general voting public aren’t being fair to him, because they’re focusing too much on his policy proposals, past and present statements, and whether he even has an iota of the qualifications for the office. :wink:


As far as I can see, Bernie Sanders has been boycotted by mainstream media until very recently. He has in spite of this been gaining ground considerably. The more exposure he gets, the more his numbers seem to go up. I fear that Clinton’s thinking that debates are going to help her will do the opposite - they will only give Bernie more outreach.


That’s not been true of any debate so far: her numbers bounce after, his don’t.


Maybe she was waiting for actual interest by all the morons who don’t vote in off-year elections, because they have better things to do, like drinking a beer or washing their hair.

Dems need news to get attention. Controversy is news. Some might pay attention.

OTOH, the horrible news that’s reported about republican policies ought to be enough.



I’m happy. I’m happy. I’m very happy.

  • It may sound like Trump-ist repeating, but I just wanted to emphasize :smile:
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Let’s the Democratic candidate turn it into a town hall with an empty chair for Trump…


Great, but to the original complaint of the DNC forcing Hillary on America by limiting her debate exposure…I mean, she’s done exceptionally well in every debate regardless of the format. She knows her stuff and tends to dominate the proceedings. Is this really such a good outcome for the people shrieking over at the Sanders campaign? I’d say debate exposure for ANY candidate-including the GOP field has peaked.

“Boycotted by the mainstream”? You don’t find that just a wee bit hyperbolic?

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Worst. Party chair. Ever. Finally caves to candidates’ and public’s demands. What will it take to get rid of this loser?


I wonder how many folks here still get that reference? 50%?

Someone broke it out the other day on the thread about Palin’s word-salad endorsement of Trump, and it killed. Got a ton of likes. So either a fair number of people remember, or it was just funny enough on its own in that context.


I was feeling nostalgic, with all this talk about HRC´s vote for war. :wink:


I love you I love that statement, ME TOO. I want my Prez to stay

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