Discussion for article #231516
Perhaps the biggest distraction from Benghazi was Darrel Issa’s continuing and continuous investigation of Benghazi. Rather than drawing attention to Benghazi, Issa’s constant whining drew attention to his own character faults instead.
I have been thinking maybe conservatives would admit global warming is real if we let them blame it on Benghazi. It would be totally obnoxious I know, but it might be worth it if it would get them to do something about it.
Squirrel!!! From Benghazi!!! Getting Obamacare!!!
Could it be that the media focuses our attention to distract us from its own negligence in NOT doing its
job? Why do the republican liars get the majority of the tv coverage? Why, of COURSE rush limbaugh
demands that they blindly accept his bloviations as facts, of course bill o’reilly demands that his lies
and bullying bluster are accepted and incompetent nincompoops like chucky t are ready to print them.
Of course. The whole situation is disgusting.
I believe next the Republitards’ are going to swear in General Petraeus and his mistress’s pillows to see if there was any “pillow talk” about Benghazi. FOX will cover the full hearings.
Let’s see: Benghazi attacked in 2012 and four Americans died. Republicans screech that it’s “Obama’s Fault” …lapse in security…and the greatest attack EVAH’…IN-PEEEEEEEEEEEEEACH! (All that in spite of the fact that the GOP cut $.5 billion from global embassy security funding.) Now… Which other presidents had terrorists attacks on their watches: 241 Marines dead on Reagan’s watch in 1983 terrorist attack in Lebanon; 2975 Americans dead in terrorist attack on WTC in 2001____and not a fu*king peep from these Rightie pathetic fools. No blame …nada, nothing…
This only goes to show why Republicans never accomplish anything except for their wealthy masters. They are only interested in keeping alive rumors, innuendos and lies. They live in a place called Dixie that never really existed.
True and breathtaking hypocrisy: The Right Wingnuttery noise machine churns out its mindnumbing swill on Benghazi: “It’s Obama’s fault for not providing enough security.”
The Truth: The Republicans voted to cut $.5 billion from global embassy security.
GOP’s own report on Benghazi declares that the Rightie talking points about blame and fault and conspiracies are groundless.
Republican and Con pundits, FOX Noise and the Rightie Bullsh*t Machine’s response to their own report: “Blah…blah…blah…can’t hear you…Blah…blah…blah…can’t hear you…Blah…blah…blah…can’t hear you…Blah…blah…blah…can’t hear you…!!!”
Benghazi the call of Repuk’s to appease Teabaggers
These are NOT Lawmakers …they are do nothing little potbellied pigs squealing and freaking out at every turn to deflect from the fact that they are the most inefficient and slothful congress ever recorded!
Call the tea gops out daily…1.866.220.0044
A lot of right wing media has been the kind of thing I would assume rational people would look at and dismiss right off the bat. Like those Weekly Wolrd News tabloids you’d see in the supermarket checkout with headlines like ‘WWII Bomber Found on Moon!’ or ‘Elvis Found Alive in North Korean Prison Camp!’. The kind of stuff we’d laugh at as kids and ask our mom if people really believed in it. But people believe this shit and it baffles me. Hannity, Beck, Coulter, O’Reilly, the mile long list of local AM radio guys and the “buy my latest book on the way out” crowd are hucksters, plain and simple. They profit purely from people’s stupidity. That would be fine, except for the fact that this stuff wastes taxpayer dollars, time that could be spent solving real problems, turns our once cool relatives into mouth breathing parrots of this garbage, and gets complete sociopaths into Congress. It’ll be our downfall. /doneranting
I refuse to comment on yet another Benghazi non story. Everything has been said on that subject that can be said in these past 27 months. However, there is a great editorial in the NYT on the police’s reprehensible behavior toward the Mayor.
Link: http://www.nytimes.com/2014/12/30/opinion/police-respect-squandered-in-attacks-on-de-blasio.html?ref=opinion
Many great comments to read also.
Somehow, some way, all this talk about how Benghazi is a distraction must actually be an attempt at distracting us from the truth about… (insert dramatic ellipsis here) Benghazi!!!
The REaL scaNDAL is that NOBAMAzeroTWO termS hasN"T even YET PRODUCed HIS long form BIRth CertificaTE with A raISED seal.
Regardless of the news of the day or scandal dejour when you tune in to Faux,it is quickly apparent there is no “there” there…it is strictly a talking heads wasteland.
Awesome read. Thanks for sharing.
There have been no scandals. There have been, however, many attempts by the GOP to manufacture one.
Before I go off to read the print edition of the NYT and perhaps learn a thing or two in the real world, I’ll just say this. It’s been discussed and confirmed and bemoaned endlessly that the right wing noise machines dominates politics at the behest of the Kochs, radio screamers, and Fox News and causes Democrats to lose elections and Obama to lose standing… But here we are presented with more useless noise presented as news and are supposed to take it seriously for what? Clicks? If we’re serious people we need to look further afield for real news because Caitlin MacNeal has not been tasked with reporting real news.
I’m with you, Ghost. And not only should there be a raised seal, but it should be raised an inch high. Anything less is just proof of a cover up!
OK, let me see if I get it straight. The signups for Obamacare were a distraction from the IRS scandal, which in itself was a distraction from Benghazi, which in itself was a distraction from Ebola crisis, which in itself was a distraction from Obama not releasing his birth certificate complete with Boris Karloff’s signature that he wasn’t specifically bred by gov’t officials to take down our constitutional gov’t., which in itself was a distraction from republicans doing their job which is supposed to be representing the people instead of making wheelbarrows of money from SuperPACs taking down these supposed scandals, which in itself is a distraction for Fox News so they don’t have to air yet another special on why Reagan and W. were the best presidents ever, which is in itself a distraction that Reagan’s administration sold arms to America’s enemies and W.'s attempt to link the wars to WMDs, which in itself was a distraction from torturing inmates at Abu Gharib.
Yeah, I think I’ve gotten to the bottom of it.