Discussion: Disagreement At NYT Over Whether David Brooks Should Have Disclosed Son's IDF Service

Discussion for article #228604

And this matters how???

ā€˜should no longer write about Israelā€™ ā€¦or anything else.


Its just the NYT getting in front of this,generating some clicks and tweets.

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So for Rosenthal there is no difference between the Israeli army and the American army except ā€œin some peopleā€™s mindsā€. Well, there is a difference in my mindā€¦


The sins of the father and vice versa should be the rule of the day here. Unless DB was writing a column directly commenting on the IDF, then disclosure shouldnā€™t be mandatory.


ā€œI do not think he ever had an obligation to say that his son made this choice, any more than if his son had joined the U.S. Air Force (although I recognize that Israel is more controversial in some peopleā€™s minds),ā€ Rosenthal said.

Well, joining the military of a foreign power is the kind of thing that could cause an American to lose his citizenship. So, no, this isnā€™t anything like joining the U.S. air force, any more than working for the KGB would be exactly like working for the CIA.

We can revisit this topic if Israel applies for statehood.


I feel like Iā€™d want to know if a columnists son is serving in a foreign military before I read what that columnist says about issues pertaining to that country, or how itā€™s military acts.


ā€œI do not think he ever had an obligation to say that his son made this choice, any more than if his son had joined the U.S. Air Force (although I recognize that Israel is more controversial in some peopleā€™s minds),ā€ Rosenthal said.

Oh, I see, because to Rosenthal, the US Air Force is exactly the same fucking thing as the air force of a foreign power. Hey, on second thought, maybe heā€™s right.

Oh no, we are downright blessed to have people like Israeli Air Force Daddy David Brooks to reassure us that all the slaughter Israel conducts with that air force is justified.

Whereā€™s my ā€œBibi is rightā€ bumper sticker? More settlements!!! And if anyone dares complain, bomb 'em!! Theyā€™ll stop!


I think you have that backwards. Iā€™d have to conclude weā€™re the subordinate power, and weā€™d be applying for annexation to Israel instead.


There is a distinction that I think should be acknowledged. His son is serving in the military of a foreign country. Thatā€™s his privilege, but I do think Brooks needs to be more open about mentioning it when he takes on the subject of Israel and itā€™s actions. Serving in the US military doesnā€™t create the same perception of conflict of interest.

I do not think he ever had an obligation to say that his son made this choice, any more than if his son had joined the U.S. Air Force

When one joins the US Air Force, one takes an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

When one joins the IDF, one takes the following oath:

"I swear and obligate myself on my word of honor to remain loyal to the State of Israel, its laws and its legitimate administration and to devote all of my strength, and even to sacrifice my life, in the defense of the homeland and the freedom of Israel.ā€

Thatā€™s a significant difference right there. Brooksā€™s readers probably have a right to know where his sonā€™s allegiance lies and whether it has any effect on what he writes or not.


Now we all know after reading it here which makes them all look bad. Could be that readers would have been fine with that if Brooks had been honest from the get go. These folks never learn that the cover-up is worse than the offense.


Iā€™d like to know if his son has dual citizenship, if that is possible actually. If not, I guess he would have only Israeli citizenship. Do any commenters know about the citizenship issue?

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Margaret Sullivan should not be criticizing Brooks for failing to disclose his sonā€™s IDF service.

She should be criticizing him for being a talentless, overpaid hack whoā€™s never said or written anything that wasnā€™t stunningly oblivious, and whose appalling ineptitude makes even Friedman appear sage by comparison.

She can worry about other stuff after sheā€™s honestly addressed that blindingly-obvious embarrassment to the paper.


Well, theyā€™re both wholly funded by our tax dollars, soā€¦


I urge the NYT to disclose its many ties to Israel and AIPACā€¦


I am disinclined to make parents responsible to disclose the actions of their adult children on ethical principles. So I would not agree with any kind of censure of Brooks. But as a responsible journalist, he should disclose anything that even hints at a bias.


What difference does it make if as an Israeli Brooks junior joined the IDF? But if Brooks senior is an Israeli too, it might be good to mention that in the service of of full disclosure. It would be no different if he were a Koch Brothers employee.

Okay, but then I also want to know about his sisters and his cousins and his aunts, and what not. How about a complete employment profile of the Brooks family? And never mind that the son is presumably beyond the age of 18, and thus no longer a minor.

Why stop there? Why not everyone else as well? How about any and every relative of Josh Marshall. I am pretty sure that weā€™ll find a wonderful conflict of interest somewhere.