Discussion: Director Judd Apatow Tries To Get Theaters To Cancel Bill Cosby Shows

Discussion for article #231523

Well, it’s Canada…in Amurikkka, innocent until proven guilty only counts if you’re a white cop. Apatow is just acting out his acculturation. Maybe what Cosby needs to do is find a witness or two who are severely mentally ill and willing to just fabricate all sorts of lies and…well…nah…that only works for white Amurikkkan cops too.

NICE PULL of THE race CArd. WE ARE a POST-RACialISTIC socIEty. There IS A lONG HIStory IN thiS coUNTry OF BLAckS raPING or WANTing TO Rape ALL OF our whITE woMEN. You NEVEr HEar OF white peoPLE raPING WOMEn, BLACK or wHITE. PULLIng the RAce CArd MAKEs LIBtards LOOK racisT in POst-racist AMericA!!11!1!!one!!11!!!


Boycotts shouldn’t take place until the target is found gulty beyond a reasonable doubt?

I thought the idea there is to protect against the power of the state, often when detention in prison is at stake. I didn’t know I shouldn’t boycott based on good cause if one of twelve jurors didn’t find someone guilty or the evidence is not available for any number of reasons such as exclusionary rules.

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Relax…Poe’s Law, my friend, Poe’s Law…

One wrong person on the Internet is not overly important anyway – making a general point that answers a viewpoint that is out there, even if you yourself aren’t making it.


Tauning someone because he has 15 followers? Oh, I’m totally won over to his personal jihad.

As a side note, the whole matter wrecks the childhood memories of this child of the Seventies. The Electric Company. Fat Albert. I spent so much time watching Cosby on television even before his sitcom in the Eighties. And my kids watched Little Bill. I think that motivates some to defend him since we don’t want a guy who was such a big part of our childhood television programming to have done this, even though we have THIRTY incidents reported.

I am one of those who is convinced that Cosby did the things he is accused of, but, that said, since Cosby has not been --and is unlikely to be-- convicted of any charges, doesn’t it make more sense to let audiences decide whether they still want to see him? If they don’t, that will get his shows cancelled much faster than some blowhard director of obnoxious comedies spouting off on Twitter to his slightly more than a dozen followers.

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In the Seventies Cosby played San Francisco clubs a lot, and while I didn’t meet him, my better half did because he and Cosby had the same employer. Cosby was a player even then while he was doing great stand up performances about the quirkiness of San Francisco and endearing all the natives. Cosby’s got a smart, savvy and very expensive legal team, and they’re trashing all the women who have spoken out because they can.

Who made him judge and jury?

At worst, Bill Cosby is a serial rapist; at best, he’s a serial adulterer.
Whichever the case… he is not “America’s Dad”.

I agree - and I also think Cosby is most likely guilty but this is an odd stance for Apatow, particularly since he was one of the ones at the forefront condemning Sony for not releasing The Interview, calling it a matter of protected free speech. He’s free to crusade against Cosby, and I personally wouldn’t attend a show, but to be so personally insulting to anyone who disagrees while at the same time saying his friends’ movies are cherished free speech is just kind of arrogant and short-sighted.

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