Discussion: Diplomacy Groups: Putin Request To Interview Ambassadors Is 'Absurd'

Yeah, well absurd is Trump’s stock and trade. I give it a few weeks before talk radio and Fox are all “if the ambassador is innocent why would’t he want a free vacation in Moscow?”.

why would’t easily becomes why would if the rubes don’t buy it.


Is there anything about Putin’s Poodle that’s not absurd? Anything?


Yet another “incredible offer” shot down by democracy. And a unanimous vote in the Senate.


We’d be better of with Professor Irwin Corey as President! He makes more sense than Donnie!





Pootie looks like Christmas arrived early this year and he got everything on his Santa list.



Anybody up for joining 45’s Foreign Service after this?

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Its about time for Mueller to issue an indictment for Vladimir Putin for his role in attacking our elections in 2016. With good ol’e Vlad planning to come to D.C. in the Fall, it would be the perfect opportunity.


tRump looks like that was a rough meeting. I guess being Putin bitch is tough on a guy. tRump and Putin do have their hatred of Obama that they share…

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The poodle bites!
(Come on, Frenchie)
The poodle chews it!
(Snap it!)

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That is one mofo’ing ugly m’effer right there.


If McFaul had been a Trump booster instead of a critic, the proposal never would have seen the light of day.


ONE MORE TIME. Donnie does not CARE about anyone’s ‘safety’. He does not care about party ideology. He does not care about America. It is ALL Trump, Trump, Trump. His rabid base will INSIST he is ‘cleaning the swamp’ or some such nonsense and as they slowly get screwed by Trump and his fellow oligarchs they will blame ‘liberals’ or ‘Obama’ or ‘Hillary’ or any other thing they have been ‘taught’ through the 30 year fear and loathing campaign that the Cons have waged in this country.

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Uh, Putin’s behavior has nothing to do with diplomacy. It’s purely about intimidation, something Putin is expert on. It works best when someone like Putin has some hold over someone like Trump who has a knack for getting into financial trouble. The only real question I have is how long this has been going on.

Yep, wouldn’t that be interesting. If indicted, he wouldn’t come to the US.

If indicted while he was here—what an international incident that would be. Dang.

If he were to come, imagine the protests.

Of course all he would have to do is go to a Russian embassy facility or as they said about Mariia Butina - get in a diplomatic vehicle and then immunity from arrest would result. I’d rather he didn’t show up period.

IMO, donald has no clue what Putin set up with that ‘incredible’ deal. Donald thought about Mueller interviewing the Russians and that is as far as his attention span could go. LOL… donald understands nothing about the implications of Russia interviewing US private citizens IMO again.

Brilliant cartoon by Matt Davies

It was kind of like donald was getting a ‘to do’ list from Vlad. One thing that deeply troubles me is that he is single handedly trying to rearrange the ‘world order’ by aligning the USA with Russia against our allies (former allies?) - and no one is squawking about it.

donald doesn’t understand policy or the implications there of (obviously -just look at the trade war) - He has no interest in such - unless it pockets him money or admiration from his base.

Lots of good political cartoons here if you haven’t seen them yet:

Yep, it is something different and worse than donald romping with Russian prostitutes IMO - because his admirers seem to have no problem with his tawdriness, infidelities and other disgusting behavior that would be offensive to Christians. IMO the Evangelicals have sold their soul by supporting this guy. That’s as it should be to see their true colors.