Discussion: Did The Courts Signal Doom For GOP's Immigration Lawsuit Against Obama?

Discussion for article #235140

Do Confederate Rebels have standing in U.S. Federal court?


Texas, meanwhile, argues specifically that DAPA harms the state financially by forcing it to process drivers licenses for beneficiaries who obtain a work permit.

Wow, that’s a stretch. Does Texas not charge people for a drivers license? Is it not, in fact, a source of revenue? And if it’s a financial loser, isn’t the remedy to charge enough for a drivers license to cover all costs?


Of course it hurts us Republicans.

It hurts our feelings. Our forefathers didn’t immigrate to this country to see a bunch of immigrants.


Oh man, one of the great untold stories of Texas is how they force many intrusive fees and charges for licensing of all sorts. And most remarkably: tons of people get fingerprinted. It started with locksmiths, who, everyone suddenly realized: were trained in Huntsville prison, as part of a minimal rehabilitation effort. Yikes! Better fingerprint those guys (though you’d think they already WERE fingerprinted if they were in prison…), AND charge them a fee for the intrusion.

Once it dawned on legislators that fingerprinting was a revenue stream, they started fingerprinting everyone who works with children–daycare workers, teachers, etc. Then security guards, and others charged with protection. Then doctors and others who do physical care. Then on and on…

I learned all this from a guy who has a booming fingerprinting company in Austin (we were walking dogs in a dog park, amazing what you learn in dog parks). He had just gotten back from fingerprinting a bunch of people who work at Whole Foods, so I guess industry is into it too.

He told me that even strippers had to get fingerprinted (and pay for the privilege. And there are a LOT of strippers in TX, but that’s another story). “Why strippers?” I asked. “Because the state can do it and make money. What are the gals going to do, complain? They’re strippers.”

Small-government Rick Perry loves fingerprinting. I hope someone asks him about it soon.



I did not know that.


Then I guess you are not a stripper?


They were training fucking locksmiths in prison? WTF?

Christ. In North Carolina, you have to go through a background check more stringent than the ones they give cops and lawyers to be licensed as a locksmith. (I know this because my habit of locking myself out of my house has given me several opportunities to have nice chats with locksmiths. For which I was relieved as I watched one of them crack what he assured me was a really good lock for a door handle model in less than ten minutes).


I’m still trying to wrap my head around all that. The party who cries “FREEDOM!” every time they open their mouths is creating a permanent database by ID’ing anyone who wants to pay for the privilege?

Mind blown.


Nowadays it’s as simple as going on Youtube. There are countless lockpicking videos ranging from simple techniques to much more sophisticated methods.

Basically anything you want to learn to do is on Youtube.


Here is the site for educators:

More about that:

Everyone else, including support staff such as bus drivers and cafeteria workers hired after Jan. 1, 2008, must fork over the $52.20 fee, if their district won’t pay it.

Here is the one for architectural examiners, of course:


Jesus fuck.

I guess there’s no way they can blame that on liberals, eh?


If you spend a decade whining, complaining, suing and crying like a tittybaby’ about immigration reform and do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about it, not even take 10 minutes to hold a vote…you might be a fu*king RepubliKKKlan.


Clearly you lack the deep, twisted reasoning of the true RWNJ, who can blame absolutely anything on liberals. (No, I can’t quite put together the argument, either - I’m similarly Alice-in-Wonderland-logic-challenged.)


I sorta kinda understand.

A RWNJ I know explained W’s devastating, undeniable failure as POTUS like this: He was a liberal.


Well, I’ll check it out and see if I can’t save myself a hundred bucks next time I lock myself out. On second thought, I’m not going to bother because if I’ve locked myself out, my lock picking tools would be back in the house with my keys.


They were training fucking locksmiths in prison?


When we call them the “Party of Freedom for Me, but Not for Thee,” we’re being descriptive, not ironic. They’re serious about it. They’re the party of Freedom for White Conservatives and they include in their definition of “freedom” the right of unlimited interference and intrusion in the lives of anyone who isn’t just like them.

It’s why they’re also the party of victimhood. Anytime they’re held to the same standards as everyone else, it’s an infringement on their freedoms.


Getting back on topic, ahem: My money’s on the Fifth giving Texas the green light because the Lone Star State’s a sovereign nation, lol. I only say that because the Fifth is headquartered in Cincinnati,America’s best “third world” city and capitol of Republican “owners’ sons and daughters”. The usual rules of logic known to the real world often do not apply in the Queen City.

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It is easy to make the connection - liberals teach loose morals so we need to keep a handle on all of those that may influence our kids, protect our property, interpret the constitution or just sit on their front porch

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