Discussion: Did Neil Cavuto Just Blame Obama For The Bush Financial Crisis?

Discussion for article #244711

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He implied it for sure. Do these numbnuts really want the nation to go back into a ‘conservative’ depression?

Kasich just lets it pass too. This isn’t a debate, it’s an asshole convention.


I’m really glad Josh pointed this out. Unbelievable.


Well … Surprised?



When this country falls, it’s gonna be because of a rotten and lazy press/media that just lets these baldfaced lies pass in an attempt to be “fair and balanced”.


When Cavuto asked that question, my jaw dropped. They weren’t even going to try to cover their bias.

By the time Kaisich was answering his question, I was so disgusted we shut off the debate.

To those of you who watched it, you have my sympathy.


I would expect nothing less from Fox and fucks.


Everyone in the Fox bubble thinks that Obama assumed control of the economy the day he was elected. They will claim it wasn’t Bush’s fault, it was the markets responding to Obama’s election. They are shameless in their spin.


“If this escalates like it did back when Barack Obama first assumed the presidency, what actions would you take, if the same thing happens all over again just as in this example you are taking over the presidency?”

Wow. Mods out-modding Mods. Jeebus. Hey Neil, FU!

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I’m surprised Cavuto didn’t blame Obama for Katrina, 9/11, the Kennedy assassination and World War 2 as well. After all his Fox audience would believe him.


Facts don’t matter, the GOP, and their base, just want to hear that everyone other than themselves is to blame for, literally, everything. They’re a faith based political party after all.


Back at’cha OGD:


Since their shit for brains base already blames Obama for 9/11 and Katrina, what’s one more Bush fuck-up to add to the list?


It was the most fact free debate of the season so far. Both the “moderators”, who constantly framed nonsensical questions in right wing terms, and the candidates. They were just freely making up crap on every subject.

The only interesting question of the night was when they asked Trump about his personal holdings going into a blind trust. He said no, he was turning the company over to his wife and kids. Which is not feasible. Its one of those big things that just doesn’t seem to have sunk in yet. Trump, nor his family, can run his businesses all across the globe. Its just no going to happen.


Perhaps even more bizarrely…they spent almost the entire evening running against Obama. Christie even made the comment that they are “going to throw him out” of the White House.

I mean, surely they realize that Obama isn’t running for a third term. Right???


I’ve just been rereading the Oct/2004 article from the New York Times Magazine: “Faith, certainty and the presidency of George W. Bush” http://www.nytimes.com/2004/10/17/magazine/faith-certainty-and-the-presidency-of-george-w-bush.html to remind myself of the crazy mindset that was created in the Republican party by the most disastrous POTUS in my lifetime.The Republican party is still stuck with that nutty religious certainty that all of our problems can & will be cured by whatever the Dear Leader believes: flat or other unworkable tax plans, stupid, aggressive foreign policy, etc. I hung in for most of the debate although I confess that part of the time I was reading an article about the Bundy invasion in the Willamette Week, a local Portland paper. I can only tolerate so much stupid in one dose. Really tired of hearing about how all the world’s problems are Hillary’s fault because she was Secretary of State – the cry of the Benghaaaaaazzziiii bird was heard again. She was Secretary of State not God. Alternatively everything wrong in the universe is Obama’s fault.


Yes. Such recessions are a feature of modern plutocracy, not a bug. They are the central tool of contemporary wealth redistribution in the age of financial industries replacing manufacturing and hedge funds supplanting the virtuous cycle. It is how we are taught our place, kept there and convinced to accept it and be thankful for it.

“At least i have a job”

“Better than being unemployed”

“Thank god i escaped what my neighbor suffered”

“So relieved my 401k is back to where it was when this started”

“Better not push any buttons by demanding a raise while this shit’s hitting the fan”

“Maybe i shouldn’t use all my maternity leave during this mess”

“Don’t rock the boat…you’ve got a family to support and no safety net…”

The list is endless…


When have facts ever mattered to the subterranean scum that inhabit the Fox News bubble?

Thanks for this explanation. I didn’t realize how far around the bend they had gone on this. Soviet-style propaganda – that far.


Republicans are simply delusional maniacs.