Discussion for article #224328
Evening network newscasts remain THE place for the latest 3-day to 2-week old information…
A Republican cheerleader quits and will be replaced by another Republican cheerleader. All hail our Stenographer Overlords!
I hope they serve chili at her going away party.
Way overdue. Diane’s been mailing it in for years now.
When I hear Sawyer’s name I mostly remember her unfairly upbraiding Natalie Maines for her “We’re sorry he’s from Texas” comment.
Good riddance to bad garbage.
I will miss her faux-concern face.
Ahem… did anyone notice that the new anchor of the ABC Evening News is teh gay? Just askin…
Well, I like her. She’s from my hometown, and I loved that a woman was anchor of a major newscast. I also thought she was fairly unbiased.
Sounds like shes going to fill the void (if you want to call it that) left by Barbara Walters.
That bothers you?
I’d say judgement should be reserved until we see how he does on the job. His personal life is his own affair.
I did not know she was from KY.
She was born and raised in Louisville, KY.
You’re 68! Get lost. Make room for someone else to move up. And take Morley Safer (82!), Leslie Stahl, Tom Brokaw, Plutarch’s copyboy, Bob Schieffer, Ms. Allan Greenspan, and Cokie Roberts with you.
For an industry dependent on the 30-54 year old viewer, having these antiques around is not helpful.
Just go away. Quietly.
He’s not gay! He just has great hair!
Ken, If you are young (under 60) then one day senior issues will be your issues. How will you feel if you are treated the way your post suggests?
The bubble headed bleach blonde retiring? I’ll never forget how drunk she was on election night 2 years ago.
Won’t miss her a bit. Could never stand her phony voice nor her obviously faux concern about nasty stuff. Enjoy your retirement, Diane…far, far away from any TV station!
JMHO, of course!
Muir is an empty suit. Gone are the days when anchors held any gravitas at all.
I hadn’t noticed and couldn’t care less.