Discussion: DeVos Takes Back Previous Comments On HBCUs Pioneering School Choice

DeVos added that she has spent three decades campaigning on behalf of minority children.

Which is why she understood so well the role of HBCUs. /snark

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She has not spent three decades campaigning for minority children. Her biggest education campaign was to get vouchers passed in Michigan so rich white folks don’t have to write a check to religious schools. Her other big campaign was to get her doofus husband elected governor.

“When I talked about it being a pioneer in choice it was because I acknowledge that racism was rampant and there were no choices,” DeVos said in an interview with The Associated Press in her office at the Education Department. “These HBCUs provided choices for black students that they didn’t have.”

In short, the choices they had were no choices. Glad she could clear that up.

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