Science vs. Rampant Delusion.
The alt-reality of the Trump Badministration.
There’s a very uncomfortable question coming up in the next month. I hope to God FEMA can do right by the Carolinians but we’re going to be left with 2 options
Trump was able to handle a hurricane and its aftermath, in which case he decided to let Puerto Rico twist in the wind, or,
Trump is simply incompetent in any situation and will pat himself on the back while the Southeast suffers.
You forgot a c) choice.
Both of the above…
I have faith and trust in the results of rigorous scientific analysis. Trumpistemology, not so much.
Chiselin’ Trump’s self-back-patting has already started, even before Florence has made landfall.
As a former scientist, of course GWU researchers would stand by their science.
Just because some inconsequential, uniformed, biased dumb-nuts idiot says “he don’t believe it” does not contradict well-researched data.
A Harvard study has it at 4500 excess deaths.
Umm…I am assuming that as a former scientist you have witnessed with clenched fists, white with rage, over the past 15 years or so as very prominent GOP Senators (on the Senate Floor, tossing a snow ball), or Presidential Candidates accepting the GOP nomination in their keynote speech at the convention joking snidely over scientific consensus and alarm at the rising Sea Levels, and Marco Rubio clarifying that he is not a scientist prior to expressing skepticism over global warming…or as GOP fucking politician after GOP fucking politician quoted made up fake science evidence disputing global warming, or Scott Pruitt proposing a Red Team Blue Team debate on Global Warming…
anyway… " We stand by the science underlying our study…"
Donald Trump, Sean Hannity, Rupert Murdoch and the entire FOX News viewership…Franklin Graham…Jerry Fallwell Jr, PhD in Hocus Pocus, Paul Ryan, Jim Jordan, Mitch McConnell and his entire caucus…
“You lost us at Hello…”
The Dotard is the absolute pinnacle of narcissistic self-serving bigoted willful ignoramus. If that is the goal that anyone would struggle to attain, then their life is worthless to society except as a target of abject ridicule.
As for the well-compensated willfully-ignorant avaricious politicians who take, take and take money from the fossil fuel industry, and as such reject real objective science with respect to climate change, it is little solace to generations to come that their names will go down in history as cursed and corrupt. I’m afraid that we are now beyond the tipping point. The characteristics of the ice in the Barents Sea has dramatically changed, and we are now observing large amounts of methane released from beneath frozen lakes in the Tundra as well as methane blowouts in the surface of the tundra. I believe that our children will see the glaciers of the Himalayas recede to the point that the great rivers of Asia become seasonally flowing (and that means a lot of thirsty people and likely wars over water), and that our grand-children or great-grand-children may be reduced to farming insect larvae for nutrition as much of our farmland is reduced to desert.
I apologize for the darkness of this post, but I think humanity has really fouled the nest this time. I hope to be proven wrong. I’m not a client scientist, but I am a scientist who knows climate scientists and, unlike the Dotard, I know how to read.
Yes, and they are paying for it right now in the Carolinas. Both state governments refused to acknowledge climate change, fist-pumped Trump pulling out of the Paris Accord, and refused to acknowledge rising sea levels in beachfront development.
Sadly, they are under up to 12 feet of storm surge at this time.
Correction: we are ALL paying for it in higher taxes and insurance.