Discussion: Despite 'No New Foreign Deals' Promise, Trump Golf Course Set To Expand

Knee — deep
knee — deep … hop hop —

Without question, the healthiest person ever elected President of the United States.

Dude …


And statins can only do so much to lower what I have to believe is sky-high cholesterol. You’re supposed to change your diet and actually get 45 minutes of DAILY exercise. I also suspect his blood pressure is through the roof. Now, his saving grace is that he’s not a smoker, but even then, a competent doctor would be putting him on a restrictive diet immediately. That 300+ isn’t muscle – it’s fat, and the pressure of the Oval Office will only exacerbate any unhealthy eating habits.


O I do so hope.


Trump tells lies??? I am shocked, SHOCKED I tell you!!

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Sorry. Hard to visualize when it is 16 degrees and snowing with over a foot of snow already on the ground, and temp is projected for minus 17 by Wednesday. Backcountry skis are just not green-friendly.


Tell your swine GOP Reps that if Trump doesn’t cease and desist, they will lose their jobs in 2018.


Two thumbs way up! Bravo!

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[quote=“inlabsitrust, post:3, topic:49691, full:true”]
I look forward to seeing him taking the oath dressed in NASCAR style with all his business interests decals stamped to his clothing everywhere along with “Exxon” and “Russnet”. But hey, at least no “new” foreign deals.

I feel sure that there there are some clever clogs who could superimpose different logos on trump’s inauguration emperor’s unclothed body.

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So Trump has nothing to do with golf course expansion plans made years ago but when Fiat Chrysler announces a new manufacturing plant in the US it was working on for 2 years it’s all about Trump’s magnificence?


[quote=“inlabsitrust, post:22, topic:49691”]
“What, if anything, does Trump wear under his kilt?”

An endowment enhancer? Bigly potato? A figuratively big lie?
[/quote]Donald, why do I have to keep telling you? The potato goes in front!


I contracted Dengue Fever the first time I played 18 holes of golf, in the 1960s. It completely cured me of any desire to ever play golf again.


Yeah that would absolutely.

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You have to realize that any promise made by the Asshole-elect will go by the wayside if it gets in the way of him making money. Sad.

He can’t remember at noon what he promised at 10 AM. It’s all bullshit, prime 100% bullshit.


One of Drumpf’s most sensitive nerves is his golf game; he sucks and yet he’s convinced he could be on the senior tour if not for his job as POTUS. If the press wants to needle the hell out of this flabby sack of orange skin, they need to tell the world what a crappy golfer he is. He’ll ignite like an oily rag in the attic.


One joy we can get out of this picture is the satisfaction of knowing his golf game was really frustrating that day. Golf is a great game for that.


In the late spring, all the geese huddle at the far end of the local pond when the pelicans show up to cruise about with their fantastically horned prehistoric dinosaur bills. I’ve always thought of them as a motorcycle gang terrorizing the local garden club, but now…a new image comes to mind.

Trump’s assets—including his 100 percent stake in his Aberdeenshire resort—have been temporarily placed in a trust controlled by his sons during his presidency

Allegedly, TPM, allegedly.

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