Discussion: 'Desperation Can Be Ugly': VA Abortion Debate Erupts Into Political Warfare

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anti women anti women choice legislators should start legislation to feed, cloth, and educate poor American children who were born disadvantaged in every way possible. stop trying to control women their health ,their beliefs, and their destinies concentrate on those children that have been BORN. sheesh! they are obsessed in a sickness


I will keep fighting to protect the unborn. I don’t think there’s a more important issue we face up here,” House Speaker Kirk Cox said.
You know what else he said???
So, with all their criticisms and wild hyperbole about pro-choice Democrats, what do REPUBLICANS support exactly when it comes to third-trimester abortions? At a press conference a bit earlier today (see video, below), they were asked that very question by reporters. And their answer was…as you can see below, a NON-answer. That’s right, neither House Speaker Kirk Cox ® nor House Majority Leader Todd Gilbert ® would say that they opposed CURRENT Virginia law governing late-term abortions, which in fact permits such abortions under certain conditions

Reporter to Speaker Cox: “Do you support the current law governing late-term abortions?”
Cox: “It’s pretty clear where I am on various life issues. The question before us today is what the Democrats have proposed and where they are trying to take us…”
Reporter to Cox: “Do you think third-trimester abortions should be banned entirely or do you agree that in some cases they’re necessary?”
Cox: “I would say that this debate today is what I just said.”


“I will keep fighting to protect the unborn. I don’t think there’s a more important issue we face up here,” House Speaker Kirk Cox said.

These people are despicable. It’s amazing how ignorant people can be of the real suffering across this country.


“I will keep fighting to protect the unborn. I don’t think there’s a more important issue we face up here,” House Speaker Kirk Cox said.

OK. Then we need to ensure pregnant women have access to good nutrition, HEALTHCARE, freedom from the worry of being hit by an NRA shootist, , and not having to be in the vicinity of Bratt Kavanaugh, Roy Moore, or Donald P Trump.


“We need to take these words seriously. We need to understand that this is what is yet to come folks, and we need to make sure that we do everything to stop it,” Republican Del. Kathy Byron said.

Great! More money for contraception and sex education. Hurray! We’re all in agreement.


Republicans made clear Thursday, however, that abortion would be front and center during the 2019 campaign season.

Alrighty then, let’s have at it. If they really think this issue will be winner THIS TIME, let’s go.

> Unlike his Bourbon ancestors, of whom Talleyrand said, “They have learned nothing and forgotten nothing,”


If there’s anything that late-term abortion is, it is not an easy call. And I just want to say, that perhaps, I almost get the impression that somebody thinks women don’t have no moral sense at all. No woman who is seven months pregnant, ever waddles past an abortion clinic and says, ‘Darn, I knew there was something I’ve been meaning to get around to.’ This is ridiculous. You have those late-term abortions, because either the mother is going to die, the child is going to die, or both are going to die. These procedures are incredibly rare. I only know of two in the state of Texas since Roe v. Wade was passed. They were both what they call cases of babies with no brain.

Molly Ivens


Yeah once born they don’t give a shit about the kid unless it’s theirs.


GOP lawmakers held a news conference to warn voters about what would happen if Democrats took control of the General Assembly.

Freedom, Assholes! It’s a feature of being an American citizen! Not a bug!


The Democrats need to learn who to confront this sort of attack. I would suggest they focus on how Republicans vote to deny education to children and have voted to starve them (deny SNAP, Etc). Focus on GOP policies that threaten children after they are born.


Racism/abortion/guns, the three things repugs love to use for getting the crazy’s to ignore all their terrible policies and vote for them.


The Virginia debate and its distortions are clearly giving the right an opportunity to try to turn back the clock and re-embrace the abortion issue. I read McArdle’s column today in the Post about “the push for legal-until-birth abortion” – a totally misleading description showing that her self-identification as pro-choice is a gimmick (especially coming on the heels of her anti-Roe column). I don’t like this direction, because it does have the potential to unite a party that is finally beginning to fracture under the realization that they are run by a madman.


And sometimes not even then…


It’s obvious that the right is pivoting to this issue in the wake of the disastrous past few months. The day after Trump folded on the shutdown I noticed some of my right wing contacts started making anti-abortion posts. Then some TV ads started showing up.


And Betsy Devos who defends rape on college campuses.


Pffft! More distractions for the “vote against their own self-interest, god-bothering” lot. Promulgated, of course, by the ever more irrelevant AP.


Sounds like the VA dems all underwent lobotomies. Why TF would they would want to have a fight over late term abortions just before an election? It’s like they asked themselves what would best motivate dispirited GOP base voters and then went with it.

“Ugly” is the right word for these people (oddly, a majority of them men, who will never have to struggle with pregnancy.) Once and for all; this is a decision to be taken by the woman in consultation with her physician. End of story, stop poking your nose into other peoples’ medical issues.


Any discussion about this issue should start with pointing out how rare late term abortions are.