Discussion: Des Moines Register Calls For Audit Of Iowa Dem Caucus: 'Something Smells'

There were no paper ballots. It can’t be recounted. Yes, it’s a ridiculous way to run a primary, but it didn’t start with this election or with these Democratic officials. Hopefully, they’ll make some changes next time around.

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Kinda glad I missed this story and this thread until just now.

Here’s my 2 cents: Probably no “there” there. But the party is not doing itself any favors by “digging in it’s heels.” The DMR called for an audit. The party says it’s impossible to do a recount. But that is not what was asked of them, which makes the response look like a dodge.

And of course they should release the raw vote totals. There is no justifiable reason not to (at least none that I have heard articulated, though I’ll stipulate that I did not read most of this thread).

Question – didn’t the DMR endorse Hillary?

Edit: Thank you @Ken_T for providing the context that would explain why a paper that endorsed Hillary (on the Dem side) might still be interested in calling her victory into question:

Okay, I’m going to revise “probably no ‘there’ there” to “almost surely no ‘there’ there.”

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Man, Lehman Brothers are really holding out this year.

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I’m glad Team Hillary explained that at 3:25AM when they declared victory instead of relying on the obvious .2% gap in “voter” support that might mislead the American public.

P.S. What’s the mathematical formula of the twists? It must be more arcane than simple arithmetic.

This “nothing burger” has already garnered 190 posts at TPM, the site where “reasonable” people congregate! If you don’t think that knee-jerk calls of “foul” and “counter-foul” poisons Democratic chances in the fall election, you must be one of the 80% of TPMers who believe that Dems will win, no matter what. However, I am of the 10% “Don’t Know” persuasion; therefore, I fear the effect on GOTV from intemperate smack and smuggery from the supporters of both sides throughout this long process.

Yes, frenzied blind beserkers are out in force today as well.

Given the topic, not surprising.

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In the few precincts that have been sampled so far, Hillary also gained numbers. There is no guarantee that that either Bernie or Hillary would benefit from an open audit of all the available data. A prolonged “coverup” by IDP officials will fuel conspiracy theorys regarding both campaigns; in fact, it already has, as our dialog shows. Political coverups are usually more damaging than the initiating acts. I fear the lingering effects will harm either Democratic nominee in the general election.

If it’s naive to believe that public display of all the data will satisfy most supporters of either candidate, then I’m a cock-eyed optimist!

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And the actors.

But they do have tallies, which can be audited. Which is what the DMR has asked for.

The other thing the DMR (and the Sanders campaign) has asked for, is to release the numbers for the actual popular vote, not just the delegate counts. But the tradition is that they don’t, never have. Which would be kind of like releasing the numbers of Electoral College votes, but not the popular vote numbers.

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And the setting. This is the internet, after all. :wink:

OK, I’m gonna check out the debate. But first, a quick prediction:

Hillary supporters will think Hillary won, and Bernie supporters will think that Bernie won. Anybody want to bet against that proposition?

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I know there are registration line problems creating angst for all where independents are re-registering as Democrats (or Republicans) at the sign-in desk so as to be able to participate. They have to fill out a form. If everybody shows up at 6:55 for a 7:00 start - think 100 people in line - it gets a little frustrating…


So you think the number of comment sin a TPM thread has significance. One good round of riffing on a Monty Python joke in response to the latest Trump fart in the media can garner that.

Hell, a good bit of insipid stupidity from Sarah Palin and the ensuing mockery in the comments routinely generates double that amount in a heartbeat.

So should we take that as an indication that what she has to say about anything is substantive?

If only… :laughing:

Would you like me to show you the messages myself and other women have received from Sanders supporters calling me every anti-female name under the sun, accusing me of supporting a murderer, and how I’ve been “bought” by the establishment? For nothing more than saying I’m not supporting anyone yet? Not that I’m supporting HRC, but that I haven’t made my decision on who to support yet? This has been going on for MONTHS, and people around here have been talking about it for that long.

You can dress it up any way you like, but there is an ever increasing stink of misogyny and uber white privilege wending its way through the Sanders camp. The fact that it’s starting to float to the surface more and more should concern you if you support him. I could probably pretty easily support many of his ideas for change, were it not - and I’m saying this again - FOR HIS SUPPORTERS.

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She’s my neighbor. The Clintons stayed at her house in 2007. They’re longtime friends.


Actually I’d rather they focus on the DMPW and the fucking potholes…some of those goddamn craters are axle-busters, and that’s coming from someone who drives a big 4x4.

Both sides should have been clear about how this works before they began. Bernie’s campaign managers certainly do. Complaining that you should have more delegates because more people may have come out for you is like arguing that you should have more legislative seats because more voters even if they all came out in one district.

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