Discussion for article #245551
…it’s the BS left at all the wannabe caucus places.
Des Moines Register : “Please don’t forget about us! We’re a dying medium in a state no one cares about 99% of the time! Send snacks!”
The 6 coin tosses especially are very suspicious, considering the odds of what actually happened happening.
Sorry, Iowa, no one is listening to you anymore. See you in 3 years. Maybe.
heh… and just a few days ago the dmr was considered by tpm as the most reliable arbiter… i’m still curious if any independent source actually confirmed that a two sided coin was used. lol
I heard that was debunked. That there were more than six coin tosses (and Sanders won some of them), and that the coin tosses didn’t determine the ultimate delegate count, but some kind of sub-delegate count that didn’t affect the overall outcome.
Appears I should have bought futures in tinfoil…
The whole Iowa Caucus is an outdated way of selecting a candidate.Tthe system is cumbersome, it lacks any checks and balances. “Pure” democracy is a wonderful idea: but there must be a better and fairer way of selecting a candidate. Its 2016, folks. Join the rest of the US.
Give it a rest. Moving on…
That’s what they WANT you to believe.
I have an easier solution: How about we dump Iowa as an early caucus state and try some place more representative of the U.S. and especially the Democratic Party? At least until they come up with a procedure from this century?
Whose bright idea was it to let Debbie Wasserman Schultz flip the nickel?
The Post says the tossing was about even.
Lots of bitter grapes about Iowa. The caucuses are a remarkable civic experience and would serve as a good example for the nation. Where else to citizens actually stand among their peers and politely discuss why they are supporting a candidate?
Except that’s not the case:
“The Iowa Democratic Party does not have comprehensive records on how many coin flips/games of chance were held Monday evening. However, they do have partial records.
More than half of the 1,681 Democratic caucuses held Monday night used a new Microsoft reporting app. Of those, there were exactly seven county delegates determined by coin flip. The remaining precincts did not use the Microsoft app, and instead used traditional phone-line reporting to transmit results. In these precincts, there no are records of how many coin flips occurred. There’s only anecdotal information on these precincts.
Of the seven coin flips/games of chance that were held in precincts using the Microsoft app, six of those were flips to determine whether a county delegate slot went to Clinton or Sanders. Of those six Clinton-vs.-Sanders coin flips, Sanders won five and Clinton one. The seventh coin flip was used to determine whether a county delegate slot went to Sanders or Martin O’Malley. Sanders won that coin flip as well. So in the seven coin flips that the Iowa Democratic Party has a record of, Sanders won six of them.
So it’s incorrect to say that Clinton won every coin flip.”
What are the political leanings of the Des Moines Register? D or R?
I heard that the coins used were all Eisenhower Dollars. Eisenhower was a Republican. See?
Karl Rove: I agree; I am still counting Ohio for Romney.
I agree. I’d like to see other states or (more diverse) areas of states adopt the caucus method.
Here’s all you need to know: the license plate of Andy McGuire, the Iowa Dem party Chairwoman who refuses to audit the results is HRC2016. http://imgur.com/nKSVxiO
Is the DMR going to question the republican results and the shenanigans of the Cruz campaign regarding Carson, or is that water over the dam?