Discussion: Deputy Who Failed To Confront Parkland Shooter Gets $8.7K Monthly Pension

President Donald Trump called Peterson a coward.

Five draft deferment shit head coward says what?

If that is his pension what the fuck was he making?

It appears that I made a serious error in my career choice…


This thing where people think governments honoring contractual obligations is scandalous really drives me fucking crazy. It’s a form of a stupidity that transcends ideology.

Rule of law doesn’t give you cosmic justice, people. To get cosmic justice, you need an absolute dictator with infinite wisdom and beneficence. Rule of law only means we put fences around the power of people with power to inflict harm in an arbitrary or capricious fashion, because there is no such thing as a dictator with infinite wisdom and beneficence. And sometimes that means cosmic justice doesn’t happen.


Peterson was a deputy for 32 years. “Normal” retirement is usually 20 years of service and either 50 or 55 years of age and out. I’m sure his pension provides for additional benefits for staying on the job for these years after normal retirement.

Peterson didn’t write the employment contract or pension plan.


He earned his pension. This is not a scandal.


For shits and giggles, why don’t you compute what savings/return would have to be generated to get a $8.7K monthly pension at 55…

Assuming 5% ROR, it corresponds to approximately $2 million in capital. Assume someone has a savings rate of 40% and nobody saves at a 40% clip…this would equate to ~20 years of making $167K. (approximate)

When teachers and average working folk are getting screwed across the country this is outlandish…

Most cops are grossly overpaid and for the most part a bunch of assholes…

Now flame away… I just put my asbestos on…

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Why the hell are cop pensions non-negotiable when we give teachers and probation officers and court reporters and trash collectors and janitors and municipal workers of all other stripes the shaft? Fck giving teachers guns, give 'em cop pensions.


In California we always hear about the powerful teachers union. It is really the police and fire unions that are the powerful unions. And they are all Republicans. And mostly male. Teachers, mostly female.


Yep… pensions for upper level FD and PD are almost criminal given how many of them are able to double dip…

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While I agree he earned it and deserves it irrespective of what happened at MSD, I have to agree that based on the impression he was a deputy, $8.7k is quite quite generous. Perhaps the scandal is the way some public pension systems have been gamed in recent years, particularly to featherbed for LEO and Local Gov’t execs. I’m a public employee, and will be on a state pension, and I’m in the “skilled worker” set, making 6 for quite a few years, and my pension (which is perfectly reasonable) will be about half what this deputy is getting. Of course, we have no idea what his “highest 5 years” of compensation were, and what his duties were at that time - but a pension in that range suggests >200k/yr to me, which seems pretty huge. Here’s an older article from the Herald-Tribune showing the top 500 public employees on the Metro-Dade payroll. There are a few police up there, but none break $200k - interestingly, the Fire Officers do better.

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what the fuck was he making?
for shits and giggles
a bunch of assholes.

It’s rare to find this much erudition in two posts.

Nurses union is powerful, gotta to be majority female, last governor ignored their power and look what they did to him.

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I am not in a good mood today…

Must be rain and getting severely whip-sawed this morning…

There’s a reason police were excluded from Scott Walker’s union attack in Wisconsin, and it’s not just that the state Senate leader’s father got the top cop job.


I wake up hopeful every day that the day will be different from the day before. Nope. So I do understand in spite of being a thread nanny.

Ummm . . . . don’t claim to understand your math. I will just say that the man did his job by the rules for 32 years, joined and supported the union and this is the result. This is what unions are about and this is why big business hates them.


I am as pro-union as the next guy, but there is such a thing a benefits that are completely out of line…

In the private sector you would have to make very good money for a long time to be any where close to what this guy will be getting. And it is pretty clear that this guy was a gutless third-rate badge…

Not 'zactly. User was having a bad day. Don’t we all