Discussion: Department Of Energy Nuclear Site Reportedly On Lockdown

Discussion for article #239486

ā€œā€¦one dog alerted on a vehicleā€¦ā€



I think itā€™s code for took a piss on the tires.

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Probably a roach in the ashtray from a weekend ā€œBake Cruiseā€ā€¦


Dogs hit on truck restocking vending machines, looks like they picked the wrong week to start carrying dog biscuits in the vending machine


Thanks Obama!


Chemical sniffer dogs. Yes, nuclear power plants has them.

$800 billion on DHSā€¦ and a cocker spaniel does the job.


Only anti-science people would dare to question the basic safety of nuclear plants.

WTF? Since when did a crazy red-ass God-bothering Jeez-like product on crackers place like South freaking Carolina get NUKES? Does Congress know about this, or even the administration? Iā€™m no where South Carolina BY CHOICE, but I got relatives within medium missile delivery range of the Palmetto State! Does Chuck Schumer or any of the Chuckleheads in the Senate REALIZE those anti-science ballcap-wearing touoee-freaky faith-based chicken-fried wack-a-doodles have control over the most destructive force ever devised and possessed by humankind?


I agree that that makes no sense whatsoever. How does something, canine or otherwise, alert ON a vehicle? Does it mean ā€œalighted on a vehicleā€? (Not sure why they would mention it.) ā€œAlerted authorities about a suspicious package on a vehicleā€? (In which case, thatā€™s a lot of words left out.)

Truck probably drove through some fertilizer on the way to the site, since ammonium nitrate is considered ā€˜an explosive residue.ā€™.


no employees are being allowed to exit or enter the facility

Locked down in a nuclear facility with possible bomb in it? Iā€™d be looking for a new job.

Dog training lingo

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What? All that hot air they are emitting contains CO2?

Thanks for the information. Now if I can only get my dog to alert (only) on possible intruders rather than on every dog who happens to go walking by the house Iā€™ll be all set.

Indeed, that seems to be the lingo. A quick search on that Google-machine returns results mentioning dogs ā€œalertingā€ diabetic people of low blood sugar, ā€œalertingā€ their handlers of dope residue on cash and ā€œalertingā€ seizure-prone folks of a eminent seizure.

Iā€™m a little surprised by the glib comments here. This is very serious. This plant is a major terrorist target and using a vendor to sneak in a bomb is the perfect way to blow it up and rain down uranium and plutonium on potentially millions of people.

Itā€™s a big deal.


Theyā€™ve been given the all-clear. So thatā€™s a relief.

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