Discussion: Denver Airport Orders Partial Evacuation Over Security Threat

Discussion for article #247720

Glad not to be flying or picking someone up today. It will probably be nothing, but also glad there’s a response, and a measured one. They are only closing off a fairly small area.

While it is significant that they have evacuated the airport, that they are allowing flights to leave is sort of messy, considering some passengers may have been among the evacuated and will have lost their flights.

I don’t know how that’ll work out.

Trump: This shows we must close our borders and torture prisoners and ban Muslims.

Cruz: This shows we must close our borders and send cops into Muslim neighborhoods and re-start the House Un-American Activities Committee.

And there is is folks, the full range of response from the “leadership” of today’s batshit-crazy GOP.


Only a part in the main terminal, that is, the baggage area. Probably passengers departing from DIA can get around to an open area to get to their flights.

Edit: baggage and check in. It appears that the check in counters on that side are off limits for now. I had a look at the Denver Post, which doesn’t have much more information.

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We haven’t heard from John “The -R is for Reasonable” Kasich, who presumably will suggest that taxes be cut in any state with Muslim residents, that Union political activity be curtailed in any state with Muslim residents, that Planned Parenthood be completely defunded so that there are no abortions performed as a result of Sharia law, and that Muslims be admitted into the US after 18 months of “loyalty training”.

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I had to go to work and home today, like every day. That means taking public transportation 2x a day. Apparently this is something you and most of the country do not do. So it is hard for me to figure out why people in this country who are not taking public transportation daily are always running scared and fall prey to such whiff n’ poofs like drumpf… I have been doing it since 9-11-01 in a place that was hit on 9-11-01. I say to you and the rest of the country put one foot in front of the other, always continue forward and grow a spine. I appreciate your sentiment though.

Well, that was a lulu.

DIA would be a zoo today, because a family’s bag of spices was left by a counter and was suspicious to trained security dogs. Many people will have missed their flights because they could not check in.

I have about as much fear of terrorism as I have a probability of being hurt by it, which is to say, next to zero. I taught in the NYC region during 9/11, and have had students who were devastated by their losses that day. Most of them were not afraid, either.

One wonders why you feel it is important to insult strangers, about whom you know nothing. Pro tip: if you want to insult Americans running in fear, try FOX News or Breitbart. TPM is not really the place.

Not everything is about you. It only seems like it because of fox, breitbart and the very media you speak of. People still have to go about their daily lives and pay the rent regardless of dogs, security and spices. Landlords do not care that you are too afraid to go to work or got injured and neither do the people on television or the media. . Stop pandering to fear. You only play right into the hands of the fear mongers, and there are too many being aggrandized as it is by the very media you cite. I stopped worryingabout bags of "spices"long ago. I am too busy living.