Upon announcing their retirement apparently they’re issued spines.
Come to the Blue Side, Charlie! Look inside yourself! You know you desire this!
GOP: We are a big tent party. Prostitutes and deviant sexual behavior matters only when Democrats do it.
I wasn’t in Congress back then, but a lot of folks were pretty darn alarmed and outraged and had a strong voice about the character, saying character counts. And now that the shoe is on the other foot, a lot of those same folks are pretty damn silent.”
Fuck off and follow the money
The masters have dictated what is to be said about what
No surprise here
A lot of people are saying that that Cuck Kushner’s so-called children were watching the Discovery Channel show on sharks and that Ivanka Trump was fondly reminiscing how she too loved watching shark shows with their orange grandpa.
They then asked their mom who was Stormy Daniels was. She switched to the Playboy channel and explained that Stormy Daniels was a model, dancer and movie star like their baby grandma, the one that was an architect and just had the same plastic surgery mommy got. She told them that orange grandpa was playing “I will show you mine if you will show me yours” and spanking games with his pants pulled down in the sandlot with Stormy Daniels instead of with baby grandma.
Sure, they’ve been silent. Yet their silence sends a loud, clear message.
What we have here is my dog sees a lightning flash and freezes hoping there won’t be any thunder.
Gop then: character counts! Impeach! Convict!
Gop now: character doesn’t count. Competence, maturity, nothing counts. We believes in nothing Lewbowski. Except tax cuts. Plus, Emailghazi! So, both sides or whatever. And did we mention, tax cuts?
Where are the TV experts who can analyze whether Ivanka shows signs of surviving childhood sexual abuse? There’s a Republican one-liner from the Clinton era which is apropos, but which I can’t quite remember, to the effect that it would be irresponsible NOT to ask.
No no no … stay in the GOP, not-batshit-fucking-crazy, loudly proclaim “these miserable bastards have gone over the edge and would have rejected Reagan! For the love of God and country, don’t vote for us until we’re decent people again.”
C’mon Charlie. They know he’s a whore dog. They know he has not ethics or values or morals. They know they look like giant ahole hypocrites for all the sanctimonious crap they’ve been shoveling down voters throats for YEARS but they get to see the ruination of America which is what they have wanted for years.
Better late than never, having said that there is so much that is not yet recognized as off the rails
The Repubs love torture, just look how Pastor Robert Jeffress tortured Christianity while claiming to be a Christian! Frankly, it is disgustingly pathetic.
Oh, I think that would go over about as well as straightforwardly telling your mob associates that you’re cooperating with the FBI against them but it’s nothing personal and you’d like to continue working with them as a mobster just like always if that’s OK with them. DC always struck me as a town you need a network of allies in. Anyway, the NeverTrumpers have that voice in the wilderness thing covered.
I don’t expect the GOP to be upset about Trump banging a porn star. I do expect them to be upset that Trump paid a large amount of hush money to keep Ms. Daniels quiet. It shows that the current President is a huge security risk, as he is subject to blackmail.
Yeah, strange, eh?
Of course, it could be that they leave because they have found a spine…
Naaaah. Silly me. That would require introspection, something which is truly foreign to the GOP.
All he needs to do is pray it up hard with his Tremendous faith advisers.
Tax cuts are all the GOP cares about. Republicans will do anything and tolerate anything to get their effing tax cuts. And they want another round of tax cuts.