This has been argued ad nauseum and I’m not going to get into this again, and I’m not going to get into nit-picking the coulda woulda shoulda of the campaign. I just responded to a point that was made. I’m not interested in re-litigating 2016.
Can we please stop with the…
“It was THIS factor that cost her the election!”
“No it was THAT factor that cost her the election!”
In a race that close, each and every one of these factors helped tip the balance, including Bernie primary voters who voted for Trump, Bernie primary voters who stayed home, Stein voters, Obama voters who stayed home, Obama voters who voted for Trump, just plain old non-voters, the Russian meddling, voter suppression, fake news, racism, sexism, Hillary’s perceived lack of charisma, and on and on.
Selecting out the one factor that personally pisses you off the most and/or justifies your dislike for a certain part of the Democratic electorate (and potential Democratic electorate) and insisting that that’s the one that REALLY matters is just dumb. It’s all of the above.
Hillary? What does Hillary have to do with the attacks against Cordray by supposed “progressives” to support a nut-case like Kucinich, who would get slaughtered in the general election. Did you hit your head or something?
Why, geez, it’s like you actually WANT the Dems to lose the election or something . . .
Maybe they didn’t vote for her because they liked trump. Maybe they voted for him because Hillary and her entitled didn’t take their votes seriously. When you lose to the worst candidate in history, what does that make you?
When did I bash Obama? I am not as dedicated to progressive causes as I am dedicated to holding politicians accountable. I have been watching corrupt politicians my whole life. Even though the vast majority of them have been Republicans I have even watched some corrupt Democrats. A lot of people at the national level don’t give a shit about anything other than their next pay day. They hold on to their pathetic levers of power with all they have. Many of them never realize when to quit and go home.
I want democracy to work. I guess in your view that makes me some sort of naive progressive. If that is what you think I am proud to be that naive progressive. I care about people. I don’t care so much about making sure the entitled maintain their power.
The victim of morons like you?
I take it you want to double down on losing
.@reggid, have you ever taken the Turing test? I note that most of your comments are disconnected from the comment you cite. Maybe you need to take a Turing test and prove to us that 1) you are real and 2) English is your first language.
Um, no, I don’t want to lose, which is the most notable of many reasons to oppose Kucinich. We’ve covered this. Try to keep up.
Ty for that
Fair Point, but I think such action should be reserved for the most extreme circumstances.
Gee, golly I just found somebody who thinks the same thing about Comey:
Of course, that’s not the line he was parroting in October 2016:
Kucinich’s sister voted for Trump. Who do you think Kucinich voted for?
Nearly every mass shooting (with the exception of Sandy Hook) that has happened with an assault rifle, the assault rifle has been purchased within a year of the shooting; usually within months of the shooting.
We are not seeing a surge in people stealing guns from gun owners and then going and committing a mass shooting. That scenario just doesn’t happen. What we do so more often is a person starts deciding to commit this act, whatever their motives, and then they start planning it, which includes purchasing a shiny new gun to shoot people with.
No, being an open apologist for Trump and a denier of Russian election interference on FOX, however, does make him a Russian lackey. Just maybe one they don’t have to pay to do the job.
No, they haven’t. The AR-15’s not an assault rifle. It’s a semi-automatic rifle with a removable magazine. There’s no selector switch that allows burst or fully-automatic fire modes. Doesn’t matter how scary it looks, it’s still no more an assault rifle than a Remington Model 597.
That’s a Remington 597. Is it an ‘Assault Rifle’?
Is this an assault rifle?
Cuz that’s also a Remington 597.
As long as we set our sights on ‘assault rifles’, we’re going to run into problems getting things through because assault rifles are already heavily regulated, and ‘assault weapon’ is a meaningless term that amounted to ‘did it look scary in 1994?’ If it has a removable magazine, you can make a high-capacity magazine for it. If it’s semi-automatic, you can achieve the rates of fire we’re seeing in mass shootings. Full stop.
ALL semi-automatic weapons with removable magazines have to go. All of 'em. Or shit like that little .22 rimfire 597 will get kitted out and used.
In this case, yes.
Kucinich won’t win, in all likelihood. No need for DNC to get involved.
In any case, everyone in Ohio knows about Kucinich. There isn’t really a demographic out there that thinks to itself, Gee, I really liked Kucinich, if only the DNC had informed me about him.
Kucinich is hoping and praying that the DNC will try to tilt the field. It’s his best shot at winning.
If the DNC intervenes and Kucinich loses (which he very likely will), Kucinich will make the DNC the story, with potentially serious consequences for the party as a whole.
More generally, Dem grassroots are deeply disenchanted with the national or indeed regional apparatus that has turned the map red, not blue, since 2008. The DNC has forgotten how to win and needs to trust the people who have delivered the Blue Wave–the local grassroots, amplified by new organizations like Flippable and Swing Left and Indivisible and Postcards to Voters. If you’re thousands of miles away and spend your days pusillanimously looking at unreliable polling data, best to stick to writing checks for the local winners or doing what the admirable Eric Holder did in WI last week: support the electoral push with redistricting litigation, which is something locals don’t have the knowhow or cash to do.
So, did you know that Kucinich was on the Ron Paul Institute Advisory Board?
People who have watched over a lifetime will know Kucinich but people new to politics will know predomiately just what he is saying now.
I can.
It’s a skill I’ve honed by watching political candidates for over 50 years.
In that time I’ve managed to evaluate candidates with regard to how they will perform in the job they’re running for. In my mind that’s the correct way to evaluate a ppolitical candidate, not the methods apparently employed by the deplorables and their ilk - and there are apparently plenty of deplorables on both sides. I have no sympathy or empathy for these people, regardless of what labels they choose for themselves.
We would have been much better off. We would have had the RWNJ freakout of course, but we might have avoided the decades it will take to get back to where President Obama left us - if we can even find our way back at this point.
I didn’t know that–but you just told me, not the DNC. That’s how it’s going to work.
I support an Our Revolution candidate, Alexandra Ocasio, here in NYC in a primary v a Dem apparatchik (Joe Crowley) who appeases the white right wing (in deep blue Queens) and who is already, by virtue of the challenge, being forced left. But Crowley will win, because the Our Revolution endorsement will only go so far. Primary voters are older types. The millenial turnout for the Kaminski primary in Illinois was a shocking 3%.