Discussion: Dems Warn Trump Against Using Memo To Fire Rosenstein, Mueller

If the housekeeping staff fail to restock the TP in Trump’s Oval Office bathroom I suppose he can use this letter to wipe his ass.


He’s already obstructing… Has been since he asked Comey to drop his investigation into Flynn, perhaps earlier. Firing Rosenstein and Mueller wouldn’t be “obstruction” you useless and spineless cowards, it would be the final execution of a coup and, quite likely, the end of our democracy.


Very good statement by the Dems to keep the focus on what this was all about: Trump started this Nunes memo stuff because he’s looking for a rationale to fire Rosenstein that won’t land him in more trouble. He then wants to put someone in who will give him direct control over Mueller.

Trump has now telegraphed that intent, so any action on Rosenstein = obstruction of justice. That the Dems put this out there lets Trump know that we have our eye on the ball, even if we’re on the floor laughing at Nunes’ foolishness.

I personally think Trump met his Waterloo moment on obstruction. I don’t think he’s going to be able to fire Rosenstein or Mueller and get away with it. When Trump knows that he is facing real opposition, he backs down. So I will go out on a limb and say that Adam Schiff has done enough to save Rosenstein’s job. Now, the intel community is going to rain a storm all over Trump. This will not likely be the last big news item today or this weekend.


Anybody talking about the State of the Union address? :grinning:


I personally think this was Trump’s Last Stand against the FBI, and like Custer’s it was an Epic Fail.


I’m unclear on what impediment there is to Trump firing Rosenstein, at least so far as his ability to structure a DOJ/FBI leadership team that he can force to do his bidding.

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There has never been an impediment to firing Rosenstein, just as there was never an impediment to firing Comey (or Wray…bet he really wants to fire that guy). It’s that Trump keeps firing people for investigating him. That’s what lands you in a load of trouble on obstruction.


Oh, I sure hope so.


I’ll bet whatever poll bump they found will drop next week.


I like it …

But they forgot to add that if he throws a tantrum again in the check out line …

He won’t be getting his two scoops after Mc-D’s ----


I’d like to see this become a much much bigger story:


Right, and if you’re waging a PR war to attempt to justify what you already think you have the absolute power to do, you’re probably losing.

Weak loser can’t beat the nasty women in the fake news media. Sad.


Too bad the recipient won’t understand this, seeing as he thinks the Saturday Night Massacre was some weird disco porn film starring Stormy Daniels.


Can Trump be charged with the crime of “Obstruction” while in office? Multiple DOJ/OLC opinions say otherwise, and the lawyers and legal scholars advocating the opposite fully admit their arguments stand on shaky, untested ground. Impeachment is the only uncontested sanction for a President accused of a crime, and this Congress would retain Trump in office for anything short of a cold blooded, premeditated murder committed in front of a dozen witnesses.


O for god’s sake.


Perhaps Trump should have stuck instead with the now totally overshadowed jobs report, but toddlers lack such discipline.


To be fair to General Custer… I think it likely that the Native Americans who attacked his group suffered some casualties of their own in the course of wiping out Custer’s force. It is not clear that the FBI or the Intelligence Community in general were even touched by this memo. The memo is a recitation of facts and a number of conclusions that cannot legitimately be derived from the facts, as stated.

And none of this is going to help Trump with the Money Laundering charges Mueller is about to drop on him.


Mueller can charge and leave it to the courts, to decide constitutionality, and to the November mid-terms.


It doesn’t help him with Obstruction of Justice either.