Discussion: Dems Request Review Of DOJ Release Of Anti-Trump Texts Between FBI Agents

If so, then it’s a stupid idea, because Trump will use something like this as an excuse to fire Rosenstein and put a lackier lackey in his place.


It’s kinda nice we finally get to say some shit like this.


FBI, CIA, DOJ, US military, House, Senate, on and on. If any single member of any gov’t agency wrote anything bad about Obama or Hillary, then all members of those orgs should be condemned.

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He’s set himself up as the thread-nanny and perpetual scold.
It’s all he has to offer—besides his constant trashing of the Democratic party and those who adhere to it.


For about an eternity it seemed like Giuliani couldn’t keep his mouth shut, being on every TV news panel every minute of the fucking day, kinda like Newt Gingrich but with even more stupidity (although with less pork fat, and sans the plastic pole-dancing Vatican ambassador wife), and now not a peep. It’s almost like he’s hiding out with Jimmy Hoffa. I wish.


Every time he gets on one of his anti-Democratic Party jags, I want to paraphrase that famous announcer during the Hindenburg explosion: “Oh, the Sarandonity!”


No, it is the “shut up” part of STFU. There are more intelligent ways to discourse than telling people to STFU.

Ha, ha. From someone who wrote this:

I guess you’re out of clues again, eh, Mr. Newman? By the way, do you really “adhere” to the Democratic Party? Too funny.

So the Democratic Party leadership should be not be subject to criticism, is that what you’re saying?

I like Palmer Report for his interesting take on things only because his analysis is generally wildly off base and his knowledge of what he is reporting on is limited and frequently wrong factually.

Very good move by the Dems here. Exposing the willingness of DOJ Trumper plants to cooperate with Nunes will put an end to this crap.

I really don’t understand how the Congressional GOP can keep falling for this stupid Trumper crap. He got them all in a tizzy to shut down the House and Senate investigations and to pervert the process to turn it into an investigation into HRC the week prior to Manafort’s/Gates’ indictment. Now they’re trying the same bullshit when we know that Mueller has had all of Kushner’s emails with Cambridge Analytica and Randy Credico pleaded the 5th on some pretty simple questions as to what info he shared back and forth between Assange/Wikileaks and Stone. In addition, Junior’s testimony for 9 hours was so bad that a Dem committee member stated with confidence (and without GOP rebuttal) that Junior has demonstrated the ‘intent to collude’ (i.e., intent to violate federal election and anti-hacking laws to help his dad’s campaign).
“Hey GOP!: There’s another indictment/guilty plea in the works! Stop falling for this crap and run for the hills! The Democrats and Mueller are coming!”


Georgie my friend this is the US of A
You are free to tell anyone you disagree with to Shut The Fuck Up or you may tell them to Go Fuck Themselves or even invite them to have sex with barnyard animals.
Is this a great country or what?
Now go away


Tell me I haven’t been taking a troll seriously all this time. Or do I just catch him on the days he’s off his Ritalin.

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Well we’ve been told haven’t we ?
Henceforth we will all abide by the Great Georgeh as he has shown us the way .
Let us all temper our comments as to not offend his sensibilities


Dude, if I had a mic I’d drop it.

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I heard “thread nanny” yesterday from someone else. It’s a keeper.

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How about doing Congressional Dems doing some weapons-grade yelling and screaming about the GOP’s shameful slurs and smearing of the FBI and Director Mueller, a Republican war hero? Why do the Dem members of Congress, both houses, not raise a stink? This is a perfect “at long last have you no shame” moment.


Indeed Thread Nannies Those Failing to grasp the big picture.
We don’t really give a fuck what other people post.
We come here to comment , have a few laughs and try and retain our sanity in a world gone mad and lord knows the laughs are there with most of those who come here. Wit abounds
If it bothers someone they may feel free not to come here and comment.
I used to visit the comments at MaddowBlog but it was so heavily infested with trolls it took whatever joy might have been there out of the process.and I don’t go there
Seriously does anyone remember what they posted a week ago? Yesterday? the last hour.
You can’t take such an ephemeral medium seriously


It’s cathartic when it’s needed most. Which is like 24/7.

Actually, Josh Marshall, our host, actually does care about what people post. He has published community guidelines, which are actually quite reasonable for having civil discussions. They are worth reading (link below).

Of course, if we want these boards reduced to just telling each other to STFU, ad hominem attacks and insults, gratuitous profanity, and bullying, then we can turn them into that. Or we can try to maintain a higher level of discourse.

I would prefer that we maintain the higher level of discourse. If you think that is being a “thread nanny,” then so be it. I’d rather be a nanny than a bully. I do believe that bullying comments should be flagged, and I know that the thread bullies don’t like that.

“Use these guidelines to keep this a clean, well-lighted place for civilized public discourse.”


And he tells us again
Give it a rest

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