Discussion: Dems Plan To Push Kavanaugh On Close Ties To Alleged Serial Sexual Harasser

I’m sorry, but why not go after Kav on the basis he believes the president holds King like powers and is immune from investigation and prosecution?


Nobody would be surprised that a Republican condones sexual harassment and pedophilia these days. Better to probe this guy’s feelings about the divine right of kings and Russians. .


Holy crap, this is the Dems’ brilliant strategy? No wonder they find ways to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.


This strategy worked so well in the '16 presidential election that it simply must be used again. And again. (It does seem to work best, however, on strong Democrats like Al Franken … )


It’s all kabuki. But significant to get on the record. And I’m sure the address list for those messages has been preserved somewhere.

Does the article say they don’t plan on doing that?


We already know he likes to hang with bad actors: he’s a rethuglican.


Oh for eff’s sake. Who devised that brilliant strategy?

BTW, where is Sen Gillabrand? She should be leading the charge on this. Snides aside, if there is a Democrat in Washington who really want to be president and move up with the front runners, going after Kavanaugh hard is a perfect opportunity. Kavanaugh appears to have enough dubious history to possibly being ‘tipped over’. Kinda important. You’d think there’d be an all-out assault on this bastard.

I’m holding out hope for a cavity search –

Democrats will push to discover if Kavanaugh actually was aware of Kozinski’s behavior to bring up questions of his complicity. In addition, they will publicly unpack what the relationship means in the #MeToo era

So, in other words, Democrats have resigned themselves to Kavanaugh being a Supreme Court Justice.

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This argument has all the chance of derailing his nomination as a claim that on occasion he failed to pick up after his dog. It would make much more sense to pursue his actions when he was working for Ken Starr, and there was a steady stream of leaks of privileged material to the press. The Clinton lawyers protested, Judge Norma Holloway Johnson was very concerned, and Starr responded by filing something with the court in February 1998 that attached 96 affidavits from his staff members (including one former staff member, Rod Rosenstein), denying that they had leaked to the press. But there was nothing from Brett Kavanaugh, who had left the staff to go to a law firm, only to rejoin it when the fuss about leaks was past. Was that why he left the staff temporarily? In his confirmation testimony for the Court of Appeals position, he said that he did talk to the press, but only at the direction of supervisors. We need to know more about this. Was he a party to Ken Starr’s deceiving the court about leaks from his office?


Unless Kavanaugh is the serial harasser this doesn’t go anywhere. Can’t Democrats come up with something better.

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They will.

“had never heard any allegations of sexual misconduct or sexual harassment.”

Is so carefully worded that it makes one think that there are facts to be discovered about what K did see or know or participated in. Interviewing K is not a good way to discover them, though it is important to get his statements on record.

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Some group is running a pro-Kavanaugh ad with a black women who was a clerk for Kavanaugh who talks in glowing terms about what a fair and honest person he is. and that he never treated her with anything but respect.

It is the most racist and misogynistic thing I have ever seen, and I bet they don’t even realize it.

It pretty much equates to ‘masser always admired me and never took me to the woodpile.’

If this guy had any stones, he would withdraw his name or at least insist that his hearings occur after January.

Who am I kidding . . .

“had never heard any allegations of sexual misconduct or sexual harassment.”

In Greco-Roman Wrestling, this is called “the standing position.”

Dems Plan To Push Kavanaugh On Close Ties To Alleged Serial Sexual Harasser
