Discussion: Dems Pile On Trump's Treasury Pick: 'The Forrest Gump Of The Financial Crisis'

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Trump: Only Real Billionaires can clean up the swamp.


Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) called Steve Mnuchin “the Forrest Gump of the financial crisis” in a statement Tuesday, referencing Munchin’s two-decade-long tenure at Goldman Sachs, according to the Los Angeles Times.

Damn, that’s a memorable tag that’s gonna stick. Warren knows how to frame things so well. If only all Ds could be so effective.

ETA: Le Monde gave him a little more agency when they call him a “Wolf of Wall Street in the White House”, and pointed out how Trump was ragging on Wall Street during the campaign.


Our Dem senators sure have a way with words. The word they and Rs must all turn to is “Nay” when voting on his confirmation comes up. As well as “Nay” on every other unfit cabinet member rumple is offering. Mrs. Turtle’s a shoo in for transportation. of course, can’t piss off big Mitch.


I feel kind of stupid asking this but…Can someone explain to me Warren’s Forrest Gump reference? I think of Forrest as one of the good guys, so I don’t get it. Maybe it’s the numbness hasn’t fully worn off yet.

Forrest Gump was lucky, not smart (“I bought some shares in a company, something with Apples I think”)


I think Mitch went to trump with that idea. trump’s people wouldn’t have thought of that on their own.


Ah…thank you.

Then she is for sure the next Secretary of Transportation. Her experience behind the wheel of a luxury car will help her run things.


That man has a Goober face to rival Scott Walker

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Oh yeah, Turtle has been my Senator for longer than I care to admit and I know how he works.


“…he’d bought shares in some kind of fruit company, and we didn’t have to worry about money any more.”

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Republicans: If you want the government to work for you, then you should become a billionaire.


thanks, it has been a while, since I saw FG …

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All this talk will mean a lot of angry questions during the hearings, only to be followed by confirmation by the Rethuglican majority. “Fasten your seat belts. It’s going to be a bumpy night.”

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You mean McConnell’s beard?

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OT - just one of my fav quotes from the great movie:

Here is the problem though. Every single pick that Trump has made so far, is pretty reprehensible. Its extremely doubtful that Dems are going to be able to sway enough republicans to join them in rejecting Sessions, Mnuchin, Devos, Chao, etc. And don’t forget, there is still a SCOTUS seat fight coming up very soon.

Yet every pick he has offered up, should be rejected. The press and republicans will however hound Democrats unceasingly for even attempting such a move, and we all know that will create the framing that Trump wants…“Democrats unprecedented obstruction to making America great again”. We will be trying to fight a case by case battle, and they will be fighting the over all optics war.


Every day the funk settles in a little more deeply, and here’s today’s contribution to it.


Sorry :frowning: