Discussion: Dems Hit Trump With 3-Part Smackdown, Marking New Era Of Oversight War

No quarter, Dems. Use every tool at your disposal to hold this corrupt administration accountable for the wholesale dismantling of our democracy that is now underway.

Be relentless in exposing the rot that infests not only Trump but the entire GOP at this point. We are at a crossroads and now is not the time to play nice.


My, it seems like only yesterday that Trump and the GOP were claiming total exoneration.
Hell, it WAS yesterday!


I’ve often said that the problem with Democrats is that when they have power they refuse to use it. Maybe the times, they are a changin’! Hopefully we can soon say goodbye to the vacuous Kumbaya, “Can’t We All Just Get Along?” and “Reaching Across the Aisle” inauthentic opposition bullshit and start holding these motherfuckers accountable for their miles-long list of crimes…


Absolutely. the Republicans have entirely changed the rules of the game. McConnell over in the Senate continues to shred centuries of tradition and precedent. The SCOTUs is in the hands of political players and will be for decades to come.

The only foothold that the Rule of Law has is 1/2 of one branch of government. While that is meager at best, it can be leveraged to at least turn over the rock and expose the white grubs of corruption that the modern GOP has become.


Republicans are outraged at the display, accusing Democrats of playing politics and trying to smear the President.

So many targets in this one sentence!

Republicans == The Russian stooges
are outraged == shed crocodile tears
at the display == about majority rule
accusing Democrats of playing politics == engaged in shameless hypocrisy
trying to smear the pResident == over proper oversight of the Orange Shitbag.

The Russian stooges shed crocodile tears about majority rule, engaging in shameless hypocrisy over proper oversight of the Orange Shitgibbon.



Nicely done.


House Democrats flexed their muscles Wednesday, smacking the President with a demand for his tax returns…

This is incorrect. The Ways and Means Committee requested Trump’s tax returns from the IRS not Trump. Smart of them, actually. Since they already knew that Trump would regurgitate his debunked lie about not being able to release his returns since he was, supposedly, under audit:


“House Democrats didn’t mean to dump the ton of bricks on President Donald Trump all on the same day; the timing was just coincidental.”

House Democrats are just getting started. The list of what they’ll go for is so long, Trump is inevitably going to have more days like this.


Republicans are outraged that Democrats are acting like Republicans.



Instead of writing:

Republicans are outraged at the display

perhaps journalists should write:

Republicans say they are outraged at the display

Harping on the difference may seem petty, but I don’t think it is.




“House Democrats didn’t mean to dump the ton of bricks on President Donald Trump all on the same day; the timing was just coincidental.”

Wish they would stop apologizing and say, “Yeah, we dumped a ton of bricks on him and are going to drop another few tons soon.”


The American people were forced to make a decision on a candidate they didn’t fully know in the election of 2016. That can’t happen again.

We have every right to know if the man running for re-election is a tax cheat, money launderer, or has committed other crimes, financial or otherwise. We also need to know if he or members of his campaign coordinated with foreign countries, even if it didn’t rise to the level of a criminal prosecution and if he’s selling America’s foreign policy for personal gain.


A rather excellent response to those who would complain about the House’s actions here: Bengazhi.

Look how many hearings, etc. the House held, including having Hilary Clinton testify. And this was for a Secretary of State. Now we’ve got the House gathering information and holding hearings on a President. Doesn’t one justify the other? Come on!


If Republicans are upset, just remember, it’s Trump who provided the bricks -metric tons of them apparently -and stiffed the supplier in the process, no doubt.


In fairness, remember when you would wake up every day and turn on the tv to see what crazy, dangerous, and illegal thing Obama did over night?

Me neither.

Go Democrats! This country’s future is quite definitely in your able hands. Show them who we are!


Maybe a security check should be done on anyone who runs for president. I feel certain that trump could not have gotten a security clearance.


Nope, Democrats are acting like responsible adults in the room, unlike Republicans that act like HS bullies. I keep thinking back to all the investigations Republicans conducted from Benghazi, Hillary’s emails, IRS, and Fast and Furious and either their bad at their jobs or, more likely than not, they waged political warfare because governing is not what they do.


“Republicans are outraged at the display, accusing Democrats of playing politics and trying to smear the President.”

You make that sound like a bad thing.


According to a Wednesday Politico report, House Democrats didn’t mean to dump the ton of bricks on President Donald Trump all on the same day; the timing was just coincidental.

They could do this daily for the next two years and barely make a dent.

“Don’t do the crime if not prepared to do the time.” :smiling_imp: