What would they have done with all that left-over plutonium?
The reason tRump and Flynn get along so well is because they both believe it’s all about the money. Nothing else.
He was selling franchises. First you get your reactor, then you qualify for a re-processing plant, and if you’re still making your payments you get to enter the “Win a Mathematician!” lottery.
So. He’s not going to crack. Time to jail the motherfucker.
I actually think Trump is driven less by greed than by ego. He’s a “bottomless pit of insecurity” driven narcissist. Money is mainly a means to this end; but he’s had no issues with going bankrupt, multiple times. That’s not to say that Trump isn’t greedy – he is; but mainly the money is one of the many methods he needs to reassure/secure himself against his daddy issues.
That’s my current armchair psychoanalysis, at least.
Damn, Flynn got very good at grifting in a relatively short period of time - unless he was somehow doing it during his military career, too. But it seems he started the big grifts later in life. Reinventing himself for a new economy and all.
What did Trump and Pence know about this business and when did they know it? And was any of this discussed after Inauguration Day with government officials in the Middle East?