The failed president fails again. Rs support the Democrats’ offer, even Pence. But not trumpp.
“No, not $2.5 billion, no — we’re asking for $5.6” billion, Mr. Trump said during a cabinet meeting, hours before he was scheduled to host Republican and Democratic congressional leaders for a border security briefing in the White House Situation Room.
The larger figure refers to the amount Mr. Trump has demanded for the wall, which the House endorsed in a vote last month, but which failed to garner even majority support in the Senate, where it would need 60 votes to prevail.
“We’re asking the president to open up government. We’re giving him a Republican path to do that. Why would he not do that?”
Pelosi & Shumer are doing a great job exposing this bullshit. Expect “Dems Overreach?” headlines from Tiger Beat.
Not enough heat yet … it’s coming, Fat Bastard. It’s coming.
Good, hold the line.
I personally am looking forward more and more to 2020. Twenty R senate seats are up for grabs, and you can just hear the flop sweat from them as it hits the floor.
Sounds like gentle summer rain, smells of stale pee…
Way to make 'im own it! Keep the pressure on!
Meanwhile trash and feces is piling up in the Oval Office.
800,000 employees. Including families, that’s well over a million people being directly hit with this stupid shutdown.
I’m sick so many people are being hurt by this total political pile of GOP stupid.
Dare to be stupid!?
caused especially by the fear of failing according to Merriam-Webster. Good. Let them feel the fear we do.
Meanwhile, on the very first day the Democrats are in the Majority, Nancy “Pay-Go” Pelosi will be pushing her PAYGO austerity rules which will sabotage many progressive legislative priorities.
I am sure that her super-wealthy owners will be pleased that they are getting their money’s worth.
It’s time to put pressure on McConnell, which is what Nancy will do tomorrow. Decide whether you’re going to continue to coddle Trump to get a few more judges in, or tell him to sit down.
Drumpf…undone by a woman (Coulter this time) again.
Well, why the F should they when every. single. time Rump gets in front of the Press, he claims he has no problem with the shutdown and just hours ago said,
“as long as it takes.”
JFC, it’s like he enjoys the feeling of stepping on his own dick.
But the GOP has been engaging in this kind of hostage-taking strategy for years–demanding changes in policy as the price to continue routine government activity–and somehow vast numbers of Americans seem to either shrug it off or forget about it soon after it happens.
Nancy Pelosi, Icon of Female Power, Will Reclaim Role as Speaker and Seal Place in History
The dumb Donald out-maneuvered and taught Drumpf’s "art-of-the-deal by a chick–Nancy Pelosi. How embarrassing is that? And Nancy is old haggard and decidedly unhot, like that dog-faced(?) porn star Stormy Daniels. Stormy’s so repugnant that drumpf gave her the barebacked button toadstool treatment.
Per the latest press conference, the House will be sending Drumpf the GOP Senate passed spending bill. Yep. The bill WITHOUT the $5B wall money. So why won’t turtle bring the bill to the floor when he did it before.
Next up for the Dems: Repeatedly demand Drumpf’s plan for obtaining Mexico’s wall financing.Beat that shit like a drum. Mantras are your friends.
I like the way the Dems are framing this: here’s the Republican plan everyone wants. What’s your problem, trump? Why are you the only one who wants to continue hurting all these people?
It’s a straightforward, reasonable stance.