Ah, yes- the party of Reagan and Lincoln. Bring out the guns, boys! Democracy by murder and assassination. (We were just kidding, right? Can’t ya take a joke?)
This is actually pretty damn classy for the GOP. Tasteless and vile, but GOP classy…
Yeah, wanted posters don’t remind people of violence.
And bullet holes on the wanted poster . . . yeah, those don’t remind people of violence either.
Keeping it classy AZ GOP. I mean these people are running to be statesmen/women, clearly criminal wanted posters are relevant.
They know this shit works. They want her shot, just like Giffords.
Funny how the typical elderly, golf course living, early bird dining, Arizona GOP voter thinks they are still living in the wild, wild west.
"Nobody, including the hundreds of reporters who received the press release with the image, linked it to violence…
Yeah, how could a bullet-riddled picture of your opponent be confused with a violent image?
I think Irwin Mainway must now be a GOP consultant. He could spin anything into being the opposite.
Putting bullets holes around a picture of the president couldn’t be a problem either, now could it?
(Also, the stupid. Because you know who shoots up wanted posters? Friends and associates of the person on the poster.)
Really want to go there? I’d say if McCain held the gun, the safest place for Rep Kirkpatrick to stand would be behind the bullseye.
You know who else owns guns? Liberals and Latinos.
The poster was delivered personally to McCain’s opponent Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick (D-AZ)'s office by Kevin Kuk, chief of operations for the Arizona Republican Party, 12 News reported.
Ruh-roh…can’t blame an intern for this one.
Also, who decides to spend a top campaign manager’s time delivering a piece of paper to the opposing campaign? Unless it’s like slapping someone in the face with your glove or something.
“Nobody, including the hundreds of reporters who received the press
release with the image, linked it to violence until the Kirkpatrick
campaign tried to use it as a way to distract the media from Ann
Kirkpatrick’s absence from the campaign trail,” he told the station.
Firstly bullet holes come from guns fella. Ever hear of gun violence?? You folks chose to deliver the poster personally. So it isn’t a one off mistake.
Secondly I have seen a lot of TV ads from Kirkpatrick during this camoaign. She is not absent from the campaign as you say.
Lastly, what KirkpatricKchooses to do while campaigning isn’t up to you.
Trump: “I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody.”
Ann Kirkpatrick?
Yeah – who knew he talking about 5th Avenue in Phoenix?
Interesting…most incumbents would think that it was good for their election chances if their opponent was not actively campaigning. This claim that his opponent needs to come out in the open so he can get a clear shot at her is evidence that the McCain camp is worried, very worried.
To be fair to the AZ GOP, those may not be bullet holes, just mole sauce drippings from their favorite corner taco truck…
No, just the party of Reagan.
AZ has what probably are the laxest gun laws in the country.
We can carry guns into bars. Nice mix huh? Alcohol and guns.
Any wonder why I don’t visit bars anymore?
I can drive to a gun store and within 15 minutes walk out with a semi-auto Kalashnikov, a couple 30 round clips and plenty of ammo.The background check is a paper form and a 5 minute check by computer.
Our legislature annually debates the need for guns in classrooms and schools.
Former Gov. Jan Brewer vetoed the bill when it came before her a few years ago. Now Gov. Doug Ducey has allowed concealed carry in college classrooms. I’m damned glad I am retired and don’t have to risk having a demented student in my class.
To the GOP here in AZ this still is the wild west in their fevered minds.
Those aren’t bullet holes, they’re surveyor marks!