Discussion: Dems Demand Pence Refund Taxpayers For ‘Costly Publicity Stunt’ At NFL Game

A group of Democratic representatives asked Vice President Mike Pence to repay taxpayers for a trip he took to an Indianapolis Colts game that he walked out of when players knelt for the national anthem, a move that President Trump essentially confirmed was a preplanned stunt.

♫ Sing a song of sixPence
Apochryphal of lie ♫


It wasn’t the player’s kneeling that caused Mikey to leave, Mother Pence was simply aghast at the scantily clad NFL cheerleaders…


Well, it’s nice that someone is taking Pence and Trump to task for their donation-courting campaign kabuki , but at some point we’re going to have to come to grips with the fact that the entire Trump presidency is just a publicity stunt to swell the coffers of Trump Incorporated.


Trump’s presidency is a costly publicity stunt.

All Trump, all the time.

@the_loan_arranger Beat me to it!


Yes, but not by much. The first thing that comes to mind when you see the words ‘Costly Publicity Stunt’ is is big daddy Trump and all the little Trumps.


Who monitors/enforces the law about federal funds not being used for campaign purposes? FEC? FBI?

Are you fucking kidding me? Really? REALLY?

Pence is nothing but a fucking prop and this just proved it.


Well yeah…they should be able to afford it now that they have 4 TRILLION dollars to grift from the American public…guess they forgot how to spell SEQUESTER…

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Rules are for suckers. And Democrats. But my Republican’t friends would say I’m being redundant. And shouldn’t we really be talking about Benghazzzzzz?


The $$ will come from the rump foundation, same place as the $25,000 check that’s supposedly in the mail.

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Old news.

Trump and his ilk need to get a grip (a lesson?) on the value of money. And Pence needs to grow a spine. What household would toss away $200k on a 20-minute publicity stunt? No true “fiscal conservative” would EVER waste cash like that!


Um, Nicole, the letter you attached is bout Tom Price’s extravagant travel, rather Mike Dense’s publicity stunt…

a move that President Trump essentially confirmed was a preplanned stunt.

Preplanned stunts are better than postplanned stunts.


It’s not wasted if you expect to get it back tenfold in campaign contributions. Think of it as casting bread upon the waters.

Besides, it’s not wasting money if it’s someone else’s money. First rule of capitalism.


The letter attached to this article is the incorrect letter. It is from several weeks ago and is about Tom Price, not Pence. Could you please re-post with the correct letter about Pence attached? Thanks.

What was that about the Demented Dotard Donald losing $600,000,000 last year? It seems that his ambition to use the office of POTUS as you suggest isn’t working out so well for him. He might have better luck if Uncle Vlad appoints him as the President of Crimea. Or Niger. Donald and Vlad were in bed together on that one.

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Sinker Sucker Socks Pants

Love it. Of course, a contractor has a better chance of success at being paid in full on work done at a Trump Resort, but l love it anyway.

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