Discussion: Dems Aim For Older Voters, Slam GOP Reps. For Trumpcare's 'Age Tax'


One good strategy (until the republic party shuts it down). Reality based Americans will need several hundred good strategies each for 2018 & 2020 :thinking:

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Sadly I think Dems need to put up a candidate that’s a middle aged to older white guy that does the same things as Obama or Hillary would have done to get the US straightened out so that old white voters will see the benefits of D policy and start voting D again or at least enough, or be a minority of voters. Only then will we be able to offer up another black or a woman (i.e. not white male) candidate and hope to win.

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Oh, IMHO they simply need a compelling candidate, regardless of race or gender. Hell, I think even an atheist could win, if she had the right economic message. There were enough voters in Wi and Mi, for example, who voted for Obama and Stabenow/Baldwin who switched sides to vote for Trump to make the difference there. Let´s not end up with a candidate picked on the basis of the perceived prejudices of the electorate. Let´s get a candidate with smarts, and maybe a little fire in the belly, regardless of gender/¨race¨.


I agreed. Trump came across as authentic if you were a certain demographic. We need to be less grievance based and more fired up.


Republicans have been very good at their messaging to scare people over what the Democrats “want to do” or “will do,” and, of course it’s all just made up. Let’s see if the Democrats can successfully message the fact that Republicans have actually voted for bills that will hurt the groups the ads target. Because Republicans will say, and many of these voters will believe, “The bill didn’t pass so we weren’t really doing anything that would harm you. And Obamacare is failing - see, look - so we have to do something. We will do something good, and the Democrats won’t. Democrats just want to tax you and force you to do things so they can give stuff to…you know, those other people.”


That’s my feeling since the last election, Dems need to take a step back. I like Kamala Harris but, I fear she’s going to get the same misogynistic treatment from the Far Left and Far Right as HRC.

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Says the guy with a phalic avatar. I say BS. And this is a great EFFECTIVE add.

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I think it’s great that they are targeting shaky Rs with older people in their district, but would it hurt to run this type of ad, which should do the math, in areas where the older demographic is large, but in districts where Trump and his actions will cause premiums to rise, double digit raises?

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You already see the Berniebots and Jill Shills going after Harris and Booker. I’m sure Susan Sarandon will lead the Purity Police on that…


I follow Booker on Twitter so I see the attacks he gets from the Left more than Kamala Harris. However, I’ve seen the attacks against Kamala Harris (from Right and Left) brought up on AM Joy so I know she’s getting it too.

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They can cue from this add - hit on the proposed budget cuts (cutting services); privatizing/voucherizing Medicare and privatizing social security - the last two hit the same theme (devastating retirements/implied savings); the first (budget) - pick from the numerous programs proposed to be cut that hits hard at families (school funding) - which effects folks kids and grand kids. Heck on the first - take clips from newspapers in Kansas - and project that this is what the proposed WH Budget would do to the whole country.

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This is a good starting ad, but it is aimed at low hanging fruit. We are going to need a lot more than this.


Elements on the left took the culture wars too far - the idea of “feminists” wearing burkas and defending sexist elements of Islam comes to mind - so this is encouraging to see.

However, Dems need to take the major lesson from the Bernie/Trump campaigns, which in my mind is simple: People feel poor, feel their job is not secure, and want someone to tell them how they’re going to fix this.

In my mind, that’s why they appealed - both opposed free trade, both appealed to populist notions (Bernie the expanded welfare state, Trump xenophobic anti-immigration nonsense) and both spoke directly to their base. There’s a opening there for the Dems - their policies actually address these issues, and many of them are feasibly done.

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Political cannibalism and back biting at its finest. David Faris had people like you in mind when he wrote this yesterday:

I was going to write a long comment getting a few things off my chest but you’re not worth the effort. Yeah, you have a lot of company on this board. Can’t figure out how some people who can sound so smart at times can also sound so damn ignorant. The biggest reason Hillary lost was the Comey letter. It shifted the polling three percent right after it was released. Right after Jon Ossoff lost the special Georgia election, this is the"meat" of the most popular comment from Maximus:

Ever since Bernie the INDEPENDENT decided to crash the Democratic party and split the 2016 vote.

Enjoy, Bernie Bros, this is your creation…

Link: http://talkingpointsmemo.com/dc/handel-wins-georgia-special-election

Jon Ossoff never really had a chance in that district, he lost because he was Jon Ossoff, not because of Bernie. People who suffer from political retardation will be blaming Bernie until the 34th of November while getting all righteous and defensive if anyone says anything slightly negative about Obama or Hillary. The stupid here burns so brightly with the fuel of hpyocrisy. At one time this was a pretty good site. Don’t bother reading the article by David Faris, it would be a waste of your time.


If I go after Booker it will because of votes like his [ against the importation of cheaper meds][1] from Cananda, with his post-vote big-pharma mumble-jumble rationalization about safety. I don´t know if that will be the legislative straw that breaks this voter´s camel´s back, but if it were, would I be too pure? Or would I just have firmly held political convictions, and I suspect Mr. Booker does not?
[1]: https://newrepublic.com/minutes/139820/cory-bookers-explanation-voting-cheap-prescription-drugs-doesnt-track

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The blame game approaches the height of absurdity these days. It has superseded critical thinking. Always a dangerous dangerous thing, no matter who.

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You’re about to get pummeled by people who prove your point…


There’s very little pummeling here from the side you still can’t stop despising, and you and I both know it. Any effective critiques of mainline Democratic party thinking were shouted down on this site long ago. Any complaints about Democratic failure of nerve or policy are clearly verboten.

The purity police here come from your side.