Well at least we know that the nominee will visit Wisconsin this time round…
How funny - I just read a story yesterday about Milwaukee. https://bleacherreport.com/articles/2824568-malcolm-brogdon-on-milwaukee-ive-never-lived-in-a-city-this-segregated?utm_source=cnn.com&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=editorial
And have we impeached the motherfucker yet?
Do they understand Milwaukee is one of the most racist and segregated cities in the country? What a terrible message to be sending.
That’s what Malcolm Brogdon said in the story I linked.
Milwaukee had socialist mayors early in the 20th century, and the state has a new, progressive governor and lieutenant governor, so there is some nice symbolism there.
Well at least we know that the nominee will visit Wisconsin this time round…
LOL! We’ll know more about the Rust Belt these next two years than we ever wanted to know.
Good luck finding a city in the Midwest that isn’t. Other than Pittsburgh and maybe Cleveland or Detroit, the Rust Belt is no better than the South.
I would’ve preferred Miami, but I’m not arguing with Milwaukee. The emerging mindset of the Democratic voters is get the win and do it by going after the lowest hanging fruit.
I’m from Illinois and can recall the reign of Governor Tommy Thompson, when the familiar complaint among Wisconsinites was about minorities moving there from my state “because they can get better welfare benefits.”
I’m not sure there’s anything more political journalism Beltway naval-gaze-y than arguing about what city will hold the convention. Does anybody really believe rank-and-file voters give a rat’s ass?
Coz holding it in PA last time worked out so well.
Thank God they didn’t pick Houston.
YES!! Dems can point to Wisconsin’s Progressive history, its position as a manufacturing state (in addition to all the milk & cheese), and the way it’s trying to turn back to Blue from Rancid Red; they can harp on the “Sore Loser Republicans” trying to sabotage the choice of the voters. Plus, the beer is allegedly pretty good.
I’m amazed that they even considered solid red Texas or Florida, Where Votes Don’t Get Counted (if they’re for Dems.)
Oh sure - but you do realize that hardly anyone actually LIVES in those red areas? The Republicans are the kings of the uninhabited hectares.
Yep there are three maps that are nearly indistinguishable
- Red/Blue political map
- States by population density (low density red/high in blue)
- States that take more the federal government than they give (red) states that provide more than they get (blue)
Putting the convention in a particular locale doesn’t get you many votes. You base it on how well the locale supports a large event. The rest of this is the CNN world view. And strongly red states tend not to have the facilities.
On that grounds, Milwaukee is a bit of a surprise: it does not do well in the airport department, the accommodations department, or even the telecommunications capacity.