Discussion for article #224165
I suspect the African Americans supporting Cochran see a McDaniel win in the primary as his de facto coronation and the beginning of a dangerous new dark age in Mississippi politics.
Sadly, with all the “non-criminal” voting shenanigans in the home of white barbecue sauce, they may be right.
I guess money trumps loyalty to the country…
Usually it’s Republicans that complain about MORE people voting.
Yep and they couldn’t be more off point. If McD wins, Dems have a real chance to fight the “beginning of a dangerous new dark age in Mississippi politics.” This way, Dems can potentially fight. It’s not a great chance but it’s once in a lifetime and it may be possible that Blacks will benefit. If Cochran were to somehow pull a rabbit out of this hat, you can bet your bottom dollar, Blacks ain’t getting anything good out of it. No way.
Actually, Alabama is “the home of white barbecue sauce”.
It IS a once-in-a-lifetime chance, really is.
Maybe the supreme Court should spend some time in MS, WI and other places to see how the corruption they say is minimal really is in play. Get out in the real world for a while. leave the bubble for something besides Koch Bros. weekend. I mean you Scalia.
I’m surprised McDaniel’s flirtation with neo- and crypto-Confederate groups isn’t mentioned as a factor for why African-Americans might decide that it’s better to support Cochran than to risk McDaniel going in office. Even if Childers won, he would likely be looking over his shoulder at the next election and strive to rack up a right-leaning voting record from day one, and as a freshman would have little power to do much anyway. Cochran at least has seniority and a seat on the Appropriations committee. The likelihood that Childers would be all that much better for African-Americans in Mississippi than Cochran seems minimal.
Cochran may be a Rethuglican hack but McDaniel is a straight up sociopath.
I kind of agree with the Dems doing this. They know they aren’t going to win the seat. Cochran is known, his positions are clear even if not allied with theirs. McDaniel might be willing to blow stuff up just because he can. They have a number of his type in the House, we don’t need them in the Senate, too.
What could be the possible fallout from James “Scooby-Doo” Warren’s (luv that moniker!) very public support of Cochran in next week’s run off?
Cochran wins, but McDaniel supporters are so incensed that many of them don’t vote for Cochran in the general election. Democrat Childers’ odds of winning increase.
McDaniel wins, as even more Republicans flock to him, including some who would normally support Cochran, to punish Cochran’s perceived betrayal of them. However, these erstwhile Cochran voters do not vote for McDaniel, whom they disdain, in the general election. Democrat Childers’ odds of winning increase.
Cochran wins the primary run-off and wins the general election. Missippi’s senator retains his seniority and the federal largesse continues.
McDaniel wins next week’s run-off and wins the Senate seat in the general election. Missippi’s new senator has no seniority and is inclined to vote against the economic and health interests of his constituents.
If "Scooby-Doo doesn’t shake things up, the expected result of November’s general election is #3 or #4; and possibility #4 is the worst of all outcomes for Missippi’s Democrats and most Republicans as well.
However, his actions at least make #1 or #2 possible, which actually enhance Democrat Childers’ long-shot, “once-in-a-lifetime opportunity” for a Missippi Senate seat over the status quo.
I trust that Missippi’s black voters know better than we do about whether Senator Cochran or Senator McDaniel is better for them, and whether Senator Childers is more than a pipe dream.
The strange goings on in Mississippi continues!
My aunt–a MS dem–asked me a few nights ago whether she should vote in the run-off. I told her NO! I couldn’t understand where she got such a crazy idea. Now I know. I explained to here that she should hope and pray that McDaniel wins because then Childers has a chance. I also explained that Cochran’s had to tack so far to the right that there’s very little difference between him and McDaniel. MS dems will always be the minority party–even with 1/3 of the population being African American–because of stupid stuff like this.
The GOP thought they could throttle back the crazy on demand. It doesn’t work that way. The Government is your enemy, you need nothing from the Government … until a GOP politician who can pull in the DC dollars is on the hook then by God he’s indispensable. From the nonsense I’ve heard from interviews with voters in MS, Cochran is done. I think McDaniel will win in the general as well. Let them all enjoy the taste of their own blood in their mouth.
The New Horizon Church happens to share an address with a newly formed super PAC
Sounds like a coincidence. /s
It’s both unethical and dumb to voe in the other party’s primary. Unethical because you’re saying you support a candidate you plan to oppsoe, and dumb because you might get a result you really hate. What if McDaniel wins the general? Then helping him win the runoff will have truly backfired. Just help Childers be ready if the GOP offers an opportunity to go up against a weaker candidate.
Democrats should never be trying to mess up the workings of democracy.
Ever. The ability to vote is our only chance to oppose the interests of the rich and powerful. We mess that up, and they will gleefully do whatever they please.
Nihilists who think the rich and powerful are already doing whatever they please are going to have a very rude awakening if they ever do get total power.