Discussion: Democrats Lash Out At McConnell's Threat To Delay Loretta Lynch Vote

Discussion for article #234320

Is it just me, or does the turleman seem completely over his head?


Teatrolls first want her to promise never to engage in any investigations similar to the one that exposed the racist underbelly of Ferguson…


It would be great if Holder took this opportunity to advance numerous investigation against all things republican. That would grease the wheels


logic and reasonableness isn’t Mitch’s strong point… most Republicans don’t like Eric Holder and would be glad to see him gone… so… instead of confirming his replacement they throw another fit on a bill and refuse to allow the confirmation to proceed… it doesn’t quite rise to the level of forcing a government shutdown but the childishness seems to be the same…


“The language that they now profess to find offensive was in there from the beginning.” Liar. The report I heard was that Republicans added the language & issued a summary of changes that didn’t mention this key alteration.

It’s possible to work with people with very different opinions. It’s not possible to work with someone who acts in bad faith & then lies about it. And no one should trust such a person to keep a deal when they take a hostage & offer an exchange.


Well it’s a powerplay. A stupid one at best. But coming from mcturtle, it’s all he’s got right now.


And so Eric Holder stays on that much longer.

Brilliant strategery.


Am I the only one having flashbacks to every high school bully scene I’ve ever watched, read, or experienced?

Based on Lynch’s confirmation hearing, I’d say she’s significantly more conservative than Eric Holder, especially on issues like legalization of marijuana. What leverage does McConnell think he has here? Loretta Lynch is already the best deal the Republicans are going to get.

I think President Obama should withdraw Lynch’s nomination, and replace her with the furthest left-wing old white man he can find. Let the racist/sexist Republicans fight it out with the crazy ideologue Republicans over what to do next.

Repubs only know how to obstruct, not lead. It’s pathetic.