Discussion: Democrats Fire Off Warning Shot On Administration's Obamacare Reversal

Don’t. Let. Up.


Screw the god-damned “warning shots”. We know where the trump folk are I’m this. They’re not gonna respond in a positive way. So as I said… Screw warning them.


All Dotard needs to do is impose tariff’s on US healthcare.

That’s his go to solution for fucking up anything.


Great. Another strongly worded letter. Also, is it just me or does everything take two weeks in order to force compliance…and then what? Another strongly worded letter?


“Warning Shot”. “Might Issue Subpoenas”. “May Consider Fines”. “Find It Troubling”. “Trump Might Be Guilty of Impeachable Acts”. Yes, the Democrats are strongly considering maybe starting to think about meeting to discuss the possibility of looking into what might possibly turn out to be unseemly acts by the Trump administration. Just like Apu did with Homer and the candy mangling. “You leave me no choice but to ask you nicely again”.


This is a really important switch by the DOJ and seems to be totally partisan. We need to make Trump, Barr and the GOP the faces of the loss of the ACA if the packed court does declare the whole act unconstitutional. They have to feel the pain of the repeal. This is a once in a generation screw up for the GOP. Don’t let up.


And if they don’t comply, then what? Not being snarky, just curious.

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A team of White House writers is currently tasked with formulating new, creative ways to say “Piss off” to House Dems.

I’m sure something will be done about Trump’s intransigence. Maybe next week. Or July. Or sometime.


“If you fail to respond to our Sternly Worded Letter, we will be forced to write yet another Sternly Worded Letter! Now I’m going to count to three…”

Dear Dems,

How about making the first request for anything have a solid timeline and a declaration that failure to provide materials by said date will result in a finding that the recipient is in Contempt of Congress.



On April 8th, Democrats requested the documentation and testimony by April 22.

The DOJ acknowledged receipt of the letter on April 11 stating the DOJ would work promptly on the request.

April 22 came and went without a peep from the DOJ.

Three weeks passed.

On May 13, Democrats “restate” their request–unilaterally extending the deadline to May 24–warning that they will have no choice but “consider” alternative means of obtaining compliance.

It’s just not good enough. Democrats have to realize that their supporters at this point are literally traumatized by the ongoing stress of watching Republicans destroy our institutions with Democrats barely emitting a whimper. It is becoming psychologically impossible to follow this stuff any more. Democratic supporters around the country are turning away from the party’s day-to-day defeats in the way that you eventually stop watching your losing favorite team because it’s too painful. The media are showing signs of exhaustion. The “resistance” meme has basically imploded as a online phenomenon. I’d be amazed if the fundraising and grassroots was anywhere near what it was in May 2017.

Pelosi and Co have to understand that the entire credibility of the Democratic party as a party of opposition is in grave danger–and that the Democratic party’s conduct is essentially the same that of the DOJ, the FBI, the state agencies, the GOP congress, the Supreme Court, and the Senate. Fearful surrender, loss of integrity, loss of courage.


Because then they won’t get the good seats to watch the invasion of Venezuela! (Or no-bid contracts for their campaign contributors…)

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I’m not sure what superpowers some folks expect the Dems to have and use. This is a legal process, and they are following legal processes. If they were to immediately issue subpoenas and declare everyone in contempt of Congress the second they look funny, they would get a smack down from the courts and likely be sent back to do what they are now doing. Subpoenas have been issued in regards to Barr and Mnuchin after earlier steps were ignored. And yes, everyone knows that this administration will continue to ignore these things, but they can’t jump steps. This is all setting the table.

Could they be more expeditious? Yeah probably. But the executive branch has a shit-ton of power, and can delay to maximum effect. The Dems do have to get creative here, but they are fighting a damn strong headwind.


I’ve tried selling my season tickets. On Craigslist some guy offered a broken room vaporizer and a deaf ferret in exchange for them.


whatever he’s asking for the deaf ferret I’ll double it.

A warning shot from a pop-gun.

More slooooooow-walking.

Meanwhile, the drums of war with Iran are starting again. War would probably be a pretty good excuse for Nancy Delay to take impeachment off the table again.

Democrats Fire Off Warning Shot

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Trump would LOVE to hold a series of rallies accusing every detractor, critic, investigator and antagonist of being traitors during a time of war.


Some people do want that, true. The rest of us who started out on the cautious route are getting tired of multiple shots across the bow of “clean up this mess right now or you’re going to regret it when dad gets home”.

Need to start issuing these letters from the get-go fully loaded and with immediate subpoenas/contempt votes following non-compliance, not giving second and third and fourth chances.