Discussion: Democrats Bite Their Nails As California Primary Results Trickle In

Wasserman seems to think it’ll be an all-dem senatorial race like last time - De León versus the evil DiFi who supported Lieberman, who killed medicare for all, which gave us the obamacare backlash which gave us the 2010 census year debacle …

In other words, Diane Feinstein is the root of all evil and if comes down to her against a real democrat we might actually get rid of the woman who also gave us Alito - remember her on the talk shows singing his and John Roberts’ praises (which gave us Citizens United) … see what I mean - take anything horrible, work your way back and you’ll find yourself in the gutter outside of one of DiFi’s hotels or corrupt defense contractors.

p.s. Did I mention I hate Diane Feinstein. I do. So so much.

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Dude, marijuana is now legal in California and available as THC-laced juices, CBD-laced waters or even THC-charged candies. Indulge a little and chill out, the only person you’re hurting is yourself…


Slightly OT but it seems that Cameron Joseph isn’t enjoying his late night duty. The pics he’s chosen for both the Bernie-related article and now this one with Pelosi - YIKES

LOL! :joy:


I voted for Sara Jacobs for the 49th. It’s gonna be close, but right now she’s slightly ahead of Levin. I feel sort of bad for Applegate because he almost pulled it off last time. Too much baggage with the stalking thing though. We don’t need distractions. All the Democratic candidates, except Kerr, are good. Kerr unfortunately ran a very negative campaign against the other Democrats and that was not appreciated by the voters, hence his poor showing. Diane Harkey is the Issa endorsed republican with the most votes. If Jacobs pulls it off we’ll have a contest between two very different women. A real progressive and a Trumper.


It certainly looks like one of Levin or Jacobs should finish 2nd, which is a relief. If Rohrabacher ends up facing Baugh, though, that would really stink.


I too remember the time Dianne Feinstein single-handedly, with her irresistible power of psychological compulsion, caused the people of Connecticut to re-elect Joe Lieberman.


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Yes, but keep in mind that the Bernie picture was selected as part of TPM’s DNC-funded campaign against all things Bernie, while the Pelosi picture accurately shows that she is a Dem establishment witch who putters around in her basement laboratory to come up with new and better spells to curse Bernie and his supporters.


It was a pain in the butt to wade through the long lists of candidates. Even if you were positive about the name of the candidate you wanted, it could take some hinting to locate it on the ballot. The local Democratic party wasn’t making endorsements of candidates for the lower level races during the primary, and such races also have no polling to help one make strategic choices.

As usual, I filled out my mail ballot on election day and turned it in at the nearest polling place. It will probably get counted days from now.


She needs to be tested for witchcrafteryism.


Good news. Enough Democrats used their brains instead of going down with their alleged “principles” The first principle is to win.


Populist movements fade as quickly as they rise - they’re fueled on emotions, and emotions are fleeting. Bernie was always destined to be a flash in the pan… which is why the tinfoil-topped, conspiracy-theory-based outrage of his supporters and the insecure fury of the centrists who oppose them is such a colossal waste of time. Voters tend to sort this stuff out themselves.

The benefit of movements like Bernie’s (or the New Democrats in Canada, or the Lib Dems in the UK) is that they drive the national conversation to the left and get young people involved on their terms - and despite the constant whining from the Bernie crowd about how they’ve been railroaded, it’s hard not to see the very real effect they’ve had on Democratic policy. These young left-wing radicals of today tend to become the moderate liberals of tomorrow - just ask most prominent Democratic politicians. Kids think they can take on the world. Adults learn you need friends first.

I look forward to hearing about how this comment makes me both a Bernie Bro and a Fascist.


It’s possible - nay, likely - that John Roberts might be a good man doing shitty things due to his own misguided logic, and Feinstein was telling what she sees as the truth.

I will never understand this attitude that people must never be forgiven for their mistakes. Feinstein has been a major part of critical legislation across the board. Criticism of some of her choices doesn’t have to be emotional. It can be logical - in fact, it’s probably more effective that way. Hating someone who is your ally 80% of the time is almost like hating your grandparents for being a bit racist. It makes no sense.


Why, you totally realistic assessor demonstrating long-term, expansive views! How dare you come on here and tell us how you see things without lobbing intra-politcal grenades! I curse you and the turtles who live in your backyard to insufficient sunshine for a few hours, maybe!

(Sorry, it’s the best I could do, foiled as I was by your insidious reasonableness)


Just like “progress” posted, I find your reasonableness so effective! Thank you. Let’s hope it’s contagious and everyone catches it.

We can leave the hate, vileness and vitriol to the GOP – they have and demonstrate more than enough for all.

It’s time to drop pettiness and pull together. Good post, thanks!


Gil Cisneros was my pick in CA39. He was everywhere before the election!


One minor quibble with an otherwise excellent post: Liberal Dems UK are generally more centrist than the Labour party.


Agree 100%.


You’re totally right… British politics is a barrel of bewildering fun haha.