Discussion: Democrats Ask For Briefing From DOJ, FBI Following Flynn Resignation


As soon as Chaffetz finishes investigating The Muppets, he’ll be right on it.


Keep on pushing, guys. This might well blow up into something much, much bigger…


This from Josh:
As the Russia story submerged out of view in the first days of February, the Acting Attorney General had already warned the White House about Michael Flynn’s deceptions and susceptibility to blackmail. She was fired for refusing to enforce the immigration executive order days later. Though the White House now denies it, it seems that the President and his top advisors took no action in response to these warnings.

Holy “Bin Ladin determined to strike in the US” Batman

These fuckers are willfully ignorant.
Criminal Willful Ignorance.


This IS something bigger, and as reluctant as Chaffetz and other GOPers are to have to go there, I suspect they are already starting to do the calculus and are going to realize that 2018 is going to turn into a tsunami election if they continue doing nothing.

They just want of figure out how to contain the damage to the less number of people as possible.

Which, IMO, why Flynn is going to turn out to be a horrible person for that role. Because he is NOT going to accept being the one thrown under the bus, not the level that Congress will need to go after him. But that’s the path the WH has laid out for them.


“2018 is going to turn into a tsunami election if they continue doing nothing.”
Hard to believe it won’t be a tsunami regardless.


So they’re not to excited about going after this as a “security of country” thing without stepping into who is the biggest “religious bigot” thing? Screw the groundhog, it’s spring and those GOP closets need to be gone through and cleaned out.


DJT keeps showing his complete inability to keep secrets and act with discretion. He’s an exhibitionist and an irredeemably oblivious, entitled buffoon. Not a keeper of secrets, his own or others.

That will be his undoing here. He can’t help showing off, and he can’t keep silent what would protect him, or us.

I hope his downfall comes before ours does.


We need public hearings. We have a right to know how compromised Flynn has made us. Briefings are fine, they’re just a huge problem. Everything is classified, so there can’t be press reports.

We have a right to know, nobody in this administration cares, seemingly, about national security.

It’s all about winning, right? We’ll I’m officially sick of the winning.

We need to know "what the hell is going on"

[quote=“lizzymom, post:3, topic:51401, full:true”]
Keep on pushing, guys. This might well blow up into something much, much bigger…
[/quote]This does not stop at Flynn, how old do they think we are? 2?

The story we just got on Friday was that there were about 5 calls, and they were possibly encrypted. So that means that Flynn thought he was safe from the wiretap, and therefore he might have thought he could speak freely. Also the repeated contacts. I’m convinced that Flynn was a go between. “Oh you want us to do what?” “let me see what ---- says, I’ll get back to you.” “I talked to ----- he said.” I guarantee this story only came out on Friday because they have more.

This does not stop with Flynn. Everything must be made public now. The FBI can’t hide behind politics or decorum after what they just did to our election.


I don’t want to go out on a limb here, but this almost seems like it’s going to be a bigger deal than Fast and Furious!


Or maybe even bigger than Jade Helm. Imagine that. /s


Trump: “I have the soonest, quickest, biggest, most consequential scandals of any president in history. This will go all the way to the top - right to Steve.”


I don’t recall: Was Hillary “Lock Her Up!!” Clinton’s private email server ever compromised?


At last check, no.


A wise thought from Eric Geller: “A small group of current and former national security officials just leaked Mike Flynn out of a job. Does anyone think they’ll stop there?”


Oh, but the White House did take action: they fired Sally Yates.


Chaffetz: Good question! We need several new investigations to answer that question. And we need 'em now!


I give this story about a day maybe two, before Trump tries to come up with some outrageous bullshit, this side of crazy, meant to distract the press. This time however, I don’t think in general they’ll take the bait…All except for the rightwing blogosphere and batshit lunatic media outlets like Faux News, Brietbart, et al. What I do believe though is that the press will eventually retreat from this being a story about Flynn and what did President Bannon know, to merely being about Flynn and who will replace the vacancy. I hope I’m wrong, and this story stays firmly in the headlines in relation to the Prez. culpability.


Well, what will he tweet? If he doesn’t tweet anything, that would be shocking.


@matthew1961, The only chance they had was to keep it secret, but things are so bad the leaks started in earnest as soon the IC lost the protection of the Obamans. I think the “original” plan, as cynical as this may sound, the original plan was to get as much through as quickly as possible and then deal with the “potentially illegal” behavior in the WH. This is why Mattis and Kelly. They are caretakers that the military trusts in time of political turmoil.

But now? You are absolutely correct. If they are seen to obstruct it’ll be like wild fire, everything will be consumed.

Politically it’s gold. Because Trump supporters, the base, are fully on board with all this. They don’t believe it or they don’t care.

Perfect politics, they get primaried if they do investigate and defeated in a general if they don’t.