Discussion: Democratic Senate Challenger Ahead 45-41 In Pennsylvania Poll

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Do you people who write this drivel and then post a cryptic note on Twitter actually get paid?

Yesterday, you folks were championing another non-random, (only landline and automated) poll that had the exact opposite result.

Make up your freaking minds or try discussing this issues and not making this a farce of a horse-race. Or are you folks not capable of dealing with actual issues.


I just donā€™t understand the problem. The headline is correct. Democratic Senate Challenger ahead 45-41 in Pennsylvania Poll. Iā€™m glad TPM shares some polling results, but itā€™s not inaccurate or horserace reporting to report on the results of polling. What am I missing?


I donā€™t know about @commenterperson, but for me, the problem is three fold:

  1. These are individual polls with differing methodologies.
  2. As Norman Ornstein has pointed out, for ā€œcollege pollstersā€ like Emerson, Monmouth or Quinnipiac, accuracy is perhaps not as important as notoriety.
Norman Ornstein
What many poll-watchers know: Quinnipiac polls are about publicity, not accuracy:
  1. Unlike Sam Wang, most poll trackers aggregate their polls using the average, instead of the median. So, a gross outlier can move the average by an unduly amount by itself. Like taking the average income of a room full of people, one of whom is a millionaire, and the rest are white and blue collar workers. The median is a much more informative measure of central tendency in these cases, which is why Sam Wang employs the poll results medians.

In short, what the TPM polls lack in context and utility, they more than make up for in providing amusement.


While the points you make are absolutely true, I still donā€™t see the harm in posting the results of individual polls particularly when itā€™s stated that itā€™s a single poll showing these results. Plus, TPM always makes a point of noting what TPM Polltracker aggregate. And I tend to think TPM readers tend to be so much more informed than the average voter. But I guess the horserace stuff used to bother me a lot more too. This year Iā€™m just so damn grateful the media may be inadvertently keeping potential Democratic voters from lulling themselves into a false sense of security in which itā€™s OK to vote for a third party candidate or not vote at all.


I donā€™t see the harm either. But it still wonā€™t stop me from enjoying the taste of a full-on needling. Like the guy who got seen leaving the hoochy-coochy show by his minister: ā€œReverend, I was ashamed to be there, but not enough to leave.ā€


Iā€™m just glad to see Toomey down in my state. We got the Governorship, now weā€™ll have both Senators and Pa. is not rated as a ā€˜Likelyā€™ pickup state, I believe 3 others are so add Pa to those, of course taking the WH and weā€™re there.


Toomeyā€™s bombing the TV airways in Philadelphia with ads about ā€¦protecting cops, cops, cops and the Iranian deal with images of Muslims, missiles and mushroom clouds.

And whatā€™s even more comforting is that FiveThirtyEight gives Monmouth a rating of ā€œA+ā€ in its ledger of pollster ratings. Emerson gets a ā€œBā€, fwiw.


The Emerson poll WAS an outlier, but this Senate race is a horse race at this point, with McGinty having the edge.

Weā€™ll also know a lot more about these Senate (and House) races in about a month - as experienced hands like Stuart Stevens have noted, down ballot drag tends to accelerate as election day draws near.

Ohio is a bit of a puzzler to me. Thought Strickland was a popular Governor, but Portman seems to have him in hand. Have they run the "vote for Portman is a vote for Trumpā€™s agenda ads yet?

Plucky, havenā€™t seen anything on Gray/Paul yet. Does Gray have a chance?

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Iā€™m optimistic that weā€™ll pick up Pennsylvania, Indiana, Illinois and Wisconsin in a walk, but I also think we have good shots at Missouri, North Carolina and maybe Georgia or Florida. Iowa and Ohio seem unlikely but, if we donā€™t lose Nevada (which appears hopeful) we might have 52-54 seats next year.

Those are the desperate actions of someone who knows they are losingā€¦

I must be missing those because I think Iā€™ve only seen two of his ads.

From what Iā€™ve heard on the news sites on MSNBC, Kasichā€™s ground game is working it. His organization is very strong. That seemed to be the conventional wisdom right after the GOP gathering in Cleveland. Heā€™s still very popular and could only be a help for Portman.

I think youā€™ve just inadvertently surfaced the perfect metaphor for Republicans who repeatedly denounce Trump, but are still ā€œsupporting the nomineeā€ ( ā€¦but ā€œnot ā€˜endorsingā€™ Donald Trump as suchā€ā€¦except sort of exactly, since heā€™s the nomineeā€¦ but not quite because ā€œsupportingā€ is different then ā€œendorsingā€ā€¦but actually really maybe it isnā€™t, and probably soā€¦ but also maybe not quiteā€¦but yes, definitely possibly, no question about itā€¦ouch, my brain hurtsā€¦)

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Hillaryā€™s Opponent is poisoning the well for all Republicans. This is a good thing, imho. I just hope the polls are accurate; the only one that really counts will not be held until November 8th.

the problem is my blood pressure, pluck. With every poll thatā€™s bad for dems, I die a little. :smile:

The new Clinton wave meets the old Clinton wave.

Hillary needs every Dem Senator that we can muster, keep pushing everybody.

Pennsylvania is a GOTV state. You canā€™t simply Tweet the effort. Hillary has 32 field offices, Trump 2. The largest population of the state is in the SE region. Hillary is going to take PA. McGinty will be there with her.