Discussion: Democratic Congresswoman Says She's Worried About Bergdahl's Safety Upon Return To U.S

Discussion for article #223815

The terrorists in our midst fly the Gadsden flag.


Senator, I feel the same way you do.

A week ago I commented that Bergdahl’s family should seek refugee immigration status in Canada or some other European country because Republicans and the media has influenced the wackos to attack this soldier and his family.


I’m rather surprised we haven’t heard from Ann Coulter calling for him to be fragged - or is that only for officers?

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Rep. Speier is spot on in her concerns. I’ve always really liked this Representative. She offers some really good food for thought…I hope Bergdahl gets his long-awaited planned homecoming from his community, family and friends. I saw the pictures of the preparations and was truly disheartened when they were forced to cancel due to the threats of physical harm that were made on both members of this community, but especially more pointedly against Bergdahl and his family.


How fucking pathetic and sad is this. The family is under heavy security because of death threats and this is a real possibility that someone will try to kill him. The Republican Party Patriots. Wow From the pictures I’ve seen of this kid, he’s a broken man. Who knows if he will ever be the same. These people calling for his head should go straight to hell.


She is terrific. I am proud to call California my home. We have some of the best representation anywhere.


This man should be allowed to come home and face court martial if that’s the case. Whoever threatened his family and friends should be ashamed and prosecuted if they broke the law.

None of this would have happened though, if President Obama would have not tried to score political points with that stupid Rose Garden appearance with Bergdhal parents. He should have known there are still raw feelings among that soldier fellow combat veterans. He should have known that the capture of Bergdhal is under a cloud of doubts and resentments.

I’m pleased that we’re finally seeing some Dems push back on how quickly the Bergdahl family was pounced on, and highlighting just how disheartening it is. They should feel shame, and I know they won’t, but I still appreciate the pushback.


I wonder what Representative Miller’s military experience was?

Since we are now 2+ generations removed from a universal military draft, I anticipate more political trashing and bashing of American soldiers, as civilians with military experience decrease.

Like most things sadly, the further we get away from an event the less seriously people take it. Hence, how everything nowadays is “Just like Nazi Germany”, and how slavery “wasn’t that bad”.


You’re an idiot. Go away. The only people to blame are your party - not this President. You people are despicable




Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz beej

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“Dem. Rep. Worried About Bergdahl’s Safety Upon Return To U.S.”

Ironic, isn’t it, that coming home to America from a war zone would increase the threat to a soldier’s life?


Nothing surprises me in this country anymore. When I returned from Vietnam no one “spat” on me. And I re-entered via San Francisco in fatigues. Nowadays Americans have been told that we’re too busy in our lives and that we should trust others like FOX to do our thinking for us.

Better to heed this Yiddish proverb

What you don’t see with your eyes, don’t invent with your mouth.

or to meditate on this Buddhist koan

Be what you have experienced, not what you have been told.

America would be a far greater country if more people would shut out the fricking noise and give these two sentences a little time inside our brains.

Naw…let’s all become brain-dead zombots like a certain troll on this thread…that’s much easier for the lazy person to accomplish.


Yeah, you’re right, he should have known that conservatives are horrible scumbags.