It’s a shame that the US Government can’t be run like a Russian criminal organization. Sorry, trumPP. You are not above the law. You cannot establish the law. You cannot ignore the law. You cannot obstruct the law… You cannot interpret the law. You must OBEY the law!
Another sternly written letter.
If this is what it seems to be, it’s an insane practice by the administration.
Keep piling up those instances of obstruction you guys! The more evidence, the better!
And a precursor to a lawsuit.
Thanks you jack dawson from the Titanic LOL
Fuck you and wishing you a speedy recover from your dystopia.
Dem Senators Accuse White House Of Ignoring Congress’ Requests For Info
I’m sorry what did they say?
They expressed their “concerns.”
Do you have a macro for that comment?
What would you do, stomp up and down and waive your arms around? Probably.
Uhh that was sarcasm as if Donald doesn’t pay any attention to the Democrats…well ok he actually doesn’t, but still, sarcasm.
You’re a popular guy around here georgeh.
Schumer and krewe should focus on WH stonewalling in regards to contacts outside the Beltway that can be flipped
If things ever get that far, this is could be the basis for an article of impeachment that republicans would sign on to. Congress is pretty jealous of its prerogatives, and two parties can play at this game.
(I don’t mean it would be an actual reason, but it would be the kind of fig leaf that would give some republicans cover if they had already decided to remove trump from office.)
Gee, ya think?
Not this Congress. They don’t care about norms or their purgatives. Reagan’s 11th Commandment Trumps All.
Yes, it’s right next to the “sternly written letter” copy machine.
And so was mine.
Now, I need to get back to my dystopia.
Also too, one-party rule is such a freaking great idea.