Discussion: Dem Senator On Palin Waterboarding Comment: She Was Almost Vice President

Discussion for article #222077

Thanks John McCain for unleashing this idiot upon us. Country First!

Serious thanks to all the voters who prevented this tragic mistake from occurring.


You just know Bible Spice is going to have some cutesy, passive-aggressive reply because the thing thatā€™s guaranteed to make her foam at the mouth is being insulted in 140 characters or less.


Iā€™d really rather forget about this useless woman. She has a pea-brain, and her politics are venomous. Why is she still on my TV?? Stop giving her coverage, sheā€™s a whiny child seeking attention. Just let her fade in to the obscurity from which she aroseā€¦and thanks, Grandpa McCain; she would have made a fine Vice President. In Syria.


Iā€™ve spent years trying to figure out why anybody pays attention to this broad.


Right up there with my wedding anniversary and the name of my first puppy, Iā€™ll never forget McCain unleashed Plain on an unsuspecting and naive country.


Her damage was in the crucial time period of healthcare legislation in 2009-2010. By vilifying the idea of healthcare reform in such blatantly false metaphors (ā€œdeath panelsā€, etc.) she was highly instrumental in the drumming up-of Right Wing resentment and animus, animus which unleashed a tsunami of neo-Confederate and Right Wing rage. In addition, much like the pretty girl standing beside a new car enhances its sales appeal, Palin put on an attractive female face to lunacy (and gave millions of BaggerMen their own fantasies). She looks much worse, now (the evil inside of her is literally oozing out), but the damage was done before the TeaBagg Landslide of 2010 (which we will pay for until we have any chance of undoing the Right Wing Gerrymandering in 2020 or 2022).

In sum, I would place Sarah Palin up there (or down there) with Clarence Thomas as two individuals perhaps most damaging and disappointing in American political life.


But at this point I think sheā€™s about the best thing going for progressive politics. Along with Cliven Bundy. Because they expose the insanity and idiocy that drive the American right-wing loon. I say bring all of their clowns to center stage.


BEcause the idea of an unrepentant torture advocate holding a powerful position like Vice President is terrifying . . .


Any time Democrats get a little discouraged or angry at the party and feel like sitting out the midterms, they should just watch Palin and Cruz and Bundy and Hannity and the rest of the right-wing clown car in action.


Give me more! Where the hell is @Sniffit . No quarter!

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60% of white southern Evangelical Christianists approve of torture.


Thatā€™s one reason why they love Palinā€”they all enjoy pulling the wings off flies.


Only Palin would relate torture to Christianity. Worst part is the gun nuts thought her statements were great.

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Are the Republicans now willing to suggest that we shouldnā€™t have executed Japanese soldiers for ā€œbaptizingā€ American POWs during World War II?


Itā€™s refreshing to see that even people on the right are calling her out on this. Not for the water boarding per se, but for trivializing baptism. Maybe conference planners will realize she is more trouble than sheā€™s worth, or even better, realize what an idiot she actually is.

I often wonder if the planners know she is an idiot and book her anyway to sell tickets, or actually think she has useful things to say. Probably the former.

Her comments IMO were the clearest indicator yet that she has NO intention of EVER running for another public office again. She is content to be a suedo celebrity. She loves being a conservative darling. She doesnā€™t care about being well respected just well known. She even knows that the initial ā€œPalin the King Makerā€ of the conservative movement is gone and that doesnā€™t really seem to bother her either.

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She dropped out of 4 colleges then dropped out of the governorā€™s job when that became too much of a bother. She only came to McCainā€™s attention because of astronomical approval ratings as governor ā€“ driven in large part by her raising of the profit-sharing taxes on oil companies, dramatically increasing the amount Alaskans get annually for doing nothing more than living there, the so-called ā€˜Permanent Fund,ā€™ about the most socialist program going in modern America. She is a fraud and a joke and a political freak show.

But I say, keep the spotlight on her. Keep reminding America of the kind of people Republicans think perfectly suitable to be president.


She wasnā€™t ā€œalmost Vice-presidentā€ - once she opened her mouth and showed the stupid - there was no chance McCain would be elected - there was minimal chance before Palin was selected - she removed any possibility.

What Sen Murphy should have said

ā€œThe GOP thought Palin would be a great VPā€

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I love that kind of tough talk! So what if it ignores the Constitution! We only wave the Constitution around when its White gun numbies rights at stake. RE: Terrorists and Black peopleā€“they ainā€™t got no frickenā€™ Constitutional rights in Palin Bassackwards World.

Yeah, getting your ass kicked in an election isnā€™t almost winning that election. Thatā€™s like saying Walter Mondale was almost President. Stop giving this person more credit than she is due.