Discussion: Dem Senator: No, My Daughter Doesn't Think Biden Is 'Creepy'


Now TPM has reposted this article a second time on their Facebook page two days after they got skewered with the initial Facebook post, and people are even more furious the second time around. https://www.facebook.com/talkingpointsmemo/posts/10152919248535399

Also, turns out the elderly woman in the main photo of this article is – wait for it – his own mother.

Let’s pick up Alana Whatsit’s poison pen and see what it has to say about that revelation.

Me: Well, poison pen, ready to retract some of your nonsense?

PP: Biden is even worse than I thought. Add elder abuse and incest to his list of crimes overlooked by liberals. The picture proves also that he is an emotionally stunted man-child living in his mother’s basement. If he isn’t a serial killer yet, he will be soon if liberals don’t denounce him.

Me: Uh, I hate to embarrass you again, poison pen, but his mother died a few years ago. That is an old photo. You have nothing.

PP: Add necrophilia to the list. Get me Limbaugh’s producer and tell them I have an exclusive!