Discussion: Dem Senator: No, My Daughter Doesn't Think Biden Is 'Creepy'

Oh, FFS! Two weeks after the 2008 Presidential election the Huffington Post ran an article reporting/alleging then President-elect Obama was going to dump then Vice President Biden from the ticket in 2012, replacing him with Hillary Clinton. The article further alleged the move was being planned to grease the skids for Senator Clinton’s 2016 Presidential run. That stupid and ignorant article was jeered about, laughed about and HP was ridiculed for even running it. The article disappeared from the pages of HP but for some, “assuming” the Huffington Post had “been enlisted by the Clintons to help quash Joe in the invisible primary - stick a knife in him early with an ugly whisper campaign” was gospel. Your comment deserves the same amount of ridicule the HP article received back then.