And with a name like that, he has to be right.
Of course they do, just because they’re Republican’s doesn’t mean they’re completely stupid.
Just mostly…
But I do disagree on one point, Chris Christie was ALREADY a national laughingstock, Drumpf just maximized the humiliation.”
Yeah, I have long believed that, behind the curtain in the voting booth, the “secret voters” were going to be GOPers checking Hillary instead of Trump.
Look at what he did to poor Chris Christie who tried to be his friend
Comedy gold
“Sheldon Whitehouse” sounds like the protagonist’s name in an elementary school civics video.
Whitehouse is a really great senator. In fact, Hillary was going to pick him as her running mate, but it would have been confusing.
Ninja-level trolling: now they all have to deny it, further painting themselves into an un-re-electable corner for November. Well done, Senator!
Look at what he did to poor Chris Christie who tried to be his friend
and is now almost a national laughingstock as a result of what he’s done
to him.
Almost?! Not for nothing, but Crispie Creme was well down the road of national laughingstock before he started sucking up to Cheeto Jesus.
Which is still better than Reince Priebus, which sounds like a minor villain in a Harry Potter novel.
Election night, 2016:
Karl Rove live on Fox, discussing how Ohio is definitely going for Trump, when Megyn Kelly listens to her earpiece, then turn to him and says:
“They’re voting for Clinton, Karl. The secret voters are all voting for Clinton.”
Cue the dash to the Fox “war room” where data analysts are watching the electoral map turn blue, live on camera.
Reince is somewhat goblin-like…
Let’s not pull our punches. ALL of the 2016 Republican candidates, including Trump, but possibly not Kasich, were already national laughingstocks. It’s hardly fair to single out Christie.
OMFG people! Don’t piss off the Clinton-voting Republicans before Nov. 8th by publishing stories that they are secretly supporting Clinton. Jesus H Christ. Let it be a secret.
I hope Kelly wears sensible shoes for her 2016 dash to the “war room” this time. She could beat her record in 2014. Or to gild the lily in 2016 she could push Rove in wheel chair or office chair to the “war room” in the 2016 race to add that element of strength to the event.
I’ve had the pleasure of meeting Senator Whitehouse. He’s a good guy. Would love to see him throw some more shade at Republicans.
But Crispy Creme was like two candidates rolled into one, so he was a more prominent national embarrassment. Kinda like the fat lady in opera, with the chorus behind.
“Once the back-and-forth and the nonsense and the election is over, she has a very strong base of credibility, good will, confidence, and relationships to go to, particularly in the Senate."
What a relief to know that she will face never-ending, implacable obstruction from people of good will who respect her. Perhaps out of sheer comity and love for someone named Clinton, they’ll turn their backs on the strategy that brought them their only success during the Obama Administration?
Let’s keep this discussion in the real world, Senator.
Admittedly, “single out Christie” is almost an oxymoron. A single-size Christie doesn’t exist. He only comes in XXXL.