Discussion: Dem Sen.: On Russia, Shutting Down The Government Is ‘The Only Card We’ve Got’

The takeaway from his remarks is. "“So it’s critical to work with Republicans to help them recognize the centrality of this investigation to the rule of law, to the respect for our democracy, and to our future.” Shutting down the government would only be a last resort, and he mentioned it only in response to a question of what Democrats could do if the sweet light of reason should not dawn over the heads of some Republicans.


I think if the government is shut down, the Democrats get blamed (rightly so) and it reinforces the narrative that “both sides are equally bad.” I do not want our tactics in fighting the Trump Administration as being seen as no different than being “politics as usual.”


Minor point, but Brave New World is by Aldous Huxley.


Hmmm … well, for the time being, I’m totally willing to eat more ice cream. So, which is it, FSM? Give us a sign, oh noodley one!

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Mr. Khan is an American citizen, isn’t he? If he is, then he can travel freely under US law, unless and until the government can show cause to revoke his citizenship. Which, as the cases of Nazis who lied to get into this country, is very, very difficult to do.


By the time this is all said and done any narrative of false equivalency will be dead in the water. The GOP always talks and always blames and the right wing might squawk all over right wing media.

So what? The majority of Americans did not vote for Trump and we are scared of him - and this Russia stuff needs to be thoroughly aired in hearings and trials and I don’t think the people on trial can run the Executive at the same time.

If we run scared from words like “both sides bad” then we don’t deserve to be called Americans any more.

Damn man, this isn’t politics - this is fucking future of democracy.


I wish that people would not use the word government that way. It may not be a legitimate administration, but the government is much more than the administration. It is a whole system, you know, ‘our system of government,’ and a pretty large group of people who work hard for their country. The tea partiers and the Bundys of this country regard the government as illegitimate, period.
As a minor cog in said government, I really don’t feel illegitimate, though sometimes I feel abused, LOL! Government is more than the Executive Branch, and the executive brancve is mo,re than the White House. I work for the executive branch (that is what the bureaucracy does) and who is in office at any given time is not entirely determinative of the legitimacy of the government itself. Just a minor point, but it is hard enough to keep coming to work and to keep doing my job these days =…(


Well, it’s too late to do anything about it now. I wouldn’t risk it. Would you?

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Good grief.


Under Gingrich, during the Clinton administration, yes. More recently, not much. They took a beating in opinion polls but as far as anyone can tell there was very little impact in the subsequent election.


Shutting down the government has always blown up in the GOPs face. It’s not an option.

Unfortunately, we have own version of the Tea Party to contend with who, like their Republican counterparts, thinks its a great idea despite ZERO evidence to support that belief.

What is a good name to call our liberal Tea Party?

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I was also thinking of pigs and equality so then Orwell’s Animal Farm.


The Anti-Tang Party?


Exactly. Still, I don’t want to see them have to go there. You know, it’s up to us to get out there and start making our voices heard. (As long as we don’t shout - it hurts republicans’ ears, apparently).


I just happen to HAVE a bigly tub right now …

( and the wind blew) … good nuf fer me ! –


Guess who? :grinning:

Obama Denies Wiretapping Trump: “Like I’d Want to Hear More from That Fool?”


God I love him. hahahahahahahahahaha


Nice Find, @chelsea530

Obama visibly shuddered at the notion of intelligence agencies providing him with hours of recordings of Donald Trump talking. “Don’t even,” he said.


I wish that were real and that it had been tweeted out in response to Trump’s first attack. Can you imagine how rage-filled Trump would have been to see that?