Discussion: Dem Rep.: The Media Should Stop Consulting John McCain On Iraq

McCain’s repeated appearances on Sunday Talk Shows have long been a source of pained humor…now it is becoming more of a tragedy.

I mean, don’t the bookers on these shows have any sense of embarrassment? Don’t their bosses ever say, "Sheesh…can’t you find ANYONE else?

Doesn’t anyone say…"Perhaps we ought to get someone who is an expert on the many and conflicting factions competing in Iraq and Iran and Syria and Afghanistan and Pakistan, who can help our viewers better understand this as something beyond a black and white battle over good and evil?

Can’t they EVER find anyone other than the usual cast of characters… running from Senator McBitchy to Senator Huckleberry Butchmeup (as Charlie Pierce so lovingly refers to him) to Sen. Diane Whinestein?

And then, after spending $50 BILLION A YEAR on an intelligence system highly skilled in reading every one of the world’s tweets, texts, emails and phone calls, can we find anybody who might come on and ask just what we are getting for that money when nobody at CIA, NSA, FBI or the local cops seemed to have a clue about ISIS?

And when this all blows up as it did, can we find someone other than William (never right about anything in my life) Kristol and Paul (they’ll greet us as liberators and the oil will pay for it all) Wolfowitz to explain what we need to do next? Maybe a few of those who foretold exactly what would happen before we entered into this disaster over a decade ago?

And the answer is…NO!


Last-in-his-class “Crash McCain” haunts those programs because the fatcats who buy the ad time insist on it.


Mr. Burns thinks he is G-d.

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I personally think they drag these Neocons back out just to make them look like fools. It’s like watching a train wreck, it’s horrible but you just can’t turn away…

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[quote=“dweb, post:21, topic:5569”]
I mean, don’t the bookers on these shows have any sense of embarrassment? Don’t their bosses ever say, "Sheesh…can’t you find ANYONE else?[/quote]

There are just some decisions that are motivated by money and nothing else. Cash overrides embarrassment every time.


But then you’d be leaving the media without one of its major sources of drummed up controversy.

no problem… there are plenty of others willing to fill the void. why just this morning that librul outlet msnbc offered military strategist extraordinaire bill kristol (morningbro) and paul wolfowitz (chuck toad) time to offer up the u.s. military as the solution.
it’s sickening that these warmongering, lying sons of bitches have resurfaced.


This is who should be on talking about Iraq…One of the ones who got it right…

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Frustrating as having to listen to yet another McCain/Graham/Republican war chant is, realize that that is all they’ve got left. After the neocons, known as the aforementioned, lied us into the longest, most unwinnable, pointless, clueless, unprovoked war in the history of the US, they will never get another chance. They vent non-stop like they do because they can’t do anything else. The day of the warmonger is past and gone.

They talk kinder and gentler now, but they just want to send in the troops like always, not themselves of course but someone else’s kids, and then talk mad war talk because they can’t and won’t legislate which btw, is their real job.

The potentially decent John McCain left this earth long ago and what we see every Sunday now is crybaby, sore-loser boy, can I please get a war with someone, John McCain.

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The neocons are now attempting to redeem themselves. It is time for a new model which does not conclude thinking as they do that we can create reality.


Rarely is the question asked: is our McCain learning?


mccain should be resigned to do nothing but scream at clouds and hollerin at childern to get off his lawns

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No shit. If McCain wants to go fight Iraq’s civil war he can go do it himself.

He thinks we troops in Iraq in perpetuity to beat back Sunni radicals responding to oppression by the Shia government? Does he even recognize Iraq isn’t called America because it’s a foreign country?

The neocons who bullshitted us into this debacle - and the media and polititians who cheered it on - need to shut the fuck up. There was NEVER any other way this would end up.


Maybe Rep. Gregory Meeks should speak up more often. Maybe use a megaphone. Bomb bomb McCain needs to retire.

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Yes! Let’s please ignore mc war, shall we!

He hasn’t met a conflict, anywhere that he hasn’t wanted to invade with our troops.

Better yet, AZ, let’s vote him OUT of office!!!

The best quote of the day, year, decade…

"“I don’t know when John McCain has had it right. Thank God the American people were smart enough not to elect him President of the United States.””


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Or, better yet. Let’s ignore mc war on…

Iraq again, or

Fill in the blank!

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Ignoring McCain. That’s not a NEW idea.

“Let’s Ignore McCain On Iraq”
Now there is the first cogent policy idea I’ve heard from a Democrat in a long time!
McSame is just beyond the pale. He’s still fighting wars in his head, and maybe after his experiences (family and otherwise) maybe he always will. I dislike McSame’s politics as deeply as you can imagine. But I also realize that like all people, he is a product of his time. So I would, in respect of my elders, take in his opinions, listen to them, thank him, and promptly ignore 99% of everything he says. He would have had the “ignore” stamp long ago, if it was not for his public office.
Oh well, he’s entitled to his opinion, up until it gets someone else hurt, or costs them something they don’t want to pay. That point is long past for most people. McSame is a “hawk” who wants everyone else to risk their feathers, rather than him risking his own. Oh well, thanks anyway, and move along. Not much with McSame that is left to see.