Discussion: Dem Rep. Cohen Said Eli And Peyton Manning Sexually Assault 'Their Wives'

Discussion for article #231151

Hope that shoe tastes good, Steve.

But itā€™s an extremely misleading headline, Josh.


ā€œother eyebrow raising comments from Cohen such as when he said Republicans were lying about health care reform in the same way that Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels in Nazi Germanyā€

False equivalence. He was right about that one.


So the intelligent comment of Democratic Party elected official from Tennessee would be about equal to that of the intelligent comments from the Republicans from TN or from any other state, right?

Football, womenā€™s issues, sexual assault, traditional marriage values??. Being interviewed by TMZ? Now where do I file these comments? Oh yes, S for being so stupid one does not know to keep when and how his mouth shut.

And we pay these white men from the South just as much as we pay the other ones, about $3,600 a week, each and every week of the year, with full benefits and generous retirement income for life.


Early Alzheimerā€™s much?

Every party has their Gohmert.

Iā€™m heading out shortly to a Christmas party. Thanks for the warning.

For what itā€™s worth Eustace, I fully intend to use the phase ā€œMary worshipping mackerel snappersā€ as often as possible this Christmas season. Given me lineage, there ought to be ample opportunity.

There are some very strange mental gymnastics going on here both for Rep. Cohen and the headline writers at TPM.

  1. Open mouth.
  2. Insert foot.
  3. Beg forgiveness.

if Peyton Manning starts with that ā€˜Omaha Omahaā€™ stuff just at that special moment, Iā€™d call abuse and a 5 yard penalty

Does this sequence refer to Rep. Cohen or TPM?

" What he actually meant to say was ā€¦ " .

So red state stupidity is bipartisan. For whom is that a surprise?

Yes, I think ā€œmistakenly impliesā€ might be a more accurate description.

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You should probably look into his record before you make such assumptions. Cohen is one of the most liberal members of congress, not just from the south, but in all of congress. He is my rep, I know him personally, he has represented me in the state and in Congress for over 20 years. Trust me, he is as far from Republican as it gets. Unfortunately, he does have a foot-in-mouth problem. But its clear to anyone with a sliver of intelligence that he misspoke. Really, just get a grip.


Sometimes you just get your mords wixed.

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A spokesperson had to clarify that Rep. Steve Cohen (D-TN) is an asshole.