Discussion: Dem Rep.: Attack On Press Is 'Something That You Hear Tin-Pot Dictators Say'

@srfromgr–Perhaps this would be better:


Tin pot, probably. Piss pot, more likely. Corrupt as hell, no matter what!


John Dean take on the Trump towering inferno


Perfect for the banana republic he wants to turn us into.

@irasdad, that mockup of General Trump was the first truly great thing I remember Trevor Noah doing as DS host; his entire rant noting the points of similarity between Trump and assorted African dictators was brilliant. (And now, of course, chilling…)



It was Jimmy Carter who turned the canal over to the Panamanians in 1999.There’s no mention of Reagan.


PANAMA CITY, Dec. 14—With the words, “It is yours,” former president Jimmy Carter symbolically turned over the Panama Canal to Panama at a ceremony today, marking the end of American control of the 51-mile waterway that for nearly a century represented the projection of U.S. power in Latin America.


The lease ran out.


I have met Schiff, he’s a good, moral politician who tries to do the best he can for his district, and he cares deeply about the nation. He’s a good choice for the position he’s in, he’s able to speak clearly and doesn’t hold back on truth. Hopefully the networks keep bringing him on, he’ll be effective in countering the administration and Republican lies.


"This is something that you hear tin-pot dictators say…

To be fair his tin pot is more like an aluminum foil hat that wards off all rational thought to channel all the crazy.


nice diversion tactic. kinda like Germany in 1939, you Trumpets won’t pull this one off United States. is too diverse to swallow this propaganda. ba bye All we need is time just a little time. for your ilk its running out. treason is best served cold!

It was former President Carter of course doing the ceremonial thing, Clinton was in office at that time, but Carter had been negotiating the handover for decades.

In any case the book entitled A Path Between The Seas about building the canal is fascinating, David McCullough author.


Compare his response to the FEC Dem that’s quitting early and hoping that Trump will do something reasonable.

She’s a typical well meaning and principled Democrat that nobody knows, but she is living in a world that stopped existing around the time Bill Clinton triangulated his way into the White House.

When a two bit conniving rat POS like Gingrich can become Speaker of the House, and a two bit conniving rat POS like McConnell can sell his country down the crapper and have not the least bit of concern about it, you know that Reasonable has died an even uglier death than Irony did, many trumpisms ago.

Maybe I’m older than you but it was a tin star sheriff and a tin horn gambler and a tin pot dictator. The kids would put a tin pot on their head and pretend they were “in charge”. Trump is a composite of them all and I believe he is dangerous in that so many Americans cannot see through him.


So, apparently you have? I mean, what the heck word salad are you dealing with here? Miss your meds today?

I, too, have met him. He is everything you say and more. My friends say he used to call around and get people involved, mainly in conference calls. Very grass roots kind of guy.

A Path Between The Seas

Fantastic book… can’t recommend highly enough.

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So, apparently you have? I mean, what the heck word salad are you dealing with here? Miss your meds today?

You’re the one who’s been under a rock.


Indeed you are correct about that.

I recall Reagan’s substantial opposition to that but that evaporated once the deal was done.


Almost anything by McCullough is fantastic. Loved The Great Bridge about building the Brooklyn Bridge and Mornings on Horseback about T. Roosevelt.

About Melanjia, I’m following

White House staffer
I work at the Trump White House. This is a disaster.

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White House staffer ‏@AngryWHStaffer 1h1 hour ago

We just had a damage control meeting about Melania. She is considering filing divorce papers. She hates this life.
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So, what are the Republicans waiting for. They need a bill to stop “Fake News”. I could get behind something that required fact checking when requested. It could be the First Amendment vs. liable, slander, crying “Fire” in a crowded theater and whatever it is that Trump does. Let’s get that bill in committee!

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Nobody has seen her immigration papers or the so called presidents tax returns either. What’s up with that? Clunker is of course referring to Mel’s too often display of her nips through clothing she knows will distract from her hollow core. She’s the first lady not some hot date that the grabber puts on display every now and then.

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