Discussion: Dem Lawmakers: Pruitt Wanted EPA Office In Hometown, Future Chief Of Staff Said

He really does have a fondness for cones of silence.


and included a Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF) for secure communication.

Just what sort of sensitive compartmentalized information does the head of the EPA see?


He really has a fondness for ripping off the taxpayers, committing fraud, and destroying the environment. Hopefully, a special place in hell awaits him.


Worse. Every. Day. The entire administration is a crazy quilt of corruption and craziness. It’s surreal, and I don’t mean odd or unusual. I mean you literally can’t believe the things that happen every day.


Or even a special place in Hell here on Earth would be appropriate - since he’s now using his power and making it hot intentionally anyhow. Calling Karma: please take note of Pruitt.


It just doesn’t quit with this guy - or any of them, from Trump on down.

This is NOT normal. None of it is. And we can’t let it become normal or let the media ever treat it as such.


[quote=“imkmu3, post:3, topic:71687”]
Just what sort of sensitive compartmentalized information does the head of the EPA see?
[/quote]You mean, besides instructions and payoffs from the corporate overlords?


I laughed when I read your comment. I know - millions of we who inform ourselves know exactly what you mean. One now has to re-calibrate their sense of reality daily in the good ole USA and that’s like constant new learning curves - get’s exhausting, disturbing to the max, but is still entertaining - dispassionately speaking.


I think it’s more Dadaist, but less artistic.


This bureaucrat has a lot of ideas of what he can do with your money, conservatives. For a handsome fee, of course.

Good to know you are now comfortable with this kind of government. That will come in handy when we take over and take responsibility for alt-right terrorism.

No more excuses.


The vision of Pruitt, flush with the madness of power upon his appointment, and donning his suit of Xtian armor to lead the world to the End Times - quite literally nauseates me. He was so jacked to have his destiny bestowed upon him, to take up the sceptre and defeat the liars and naysayers. You can see the deep stupidity in his eyes, and also the zeal and chosen-ness.
Life is long, Scotty. You’ll be back in Tulsa pretty soon, hopefully before you destroy much more with your ignorance and pride.


You may be on to something. They’re not trying to delve into the unconscious. It’s an assault on the idea of knowable objective reality. But there was never actually an artistic movement along these lines. Let’s just call it Putinism and be done with it.


Maybe he wanted to be the Howard Schultz of the EPA and open branches within walking distance of whereever he was.


Executive branch departments are now to be considered private fiefdoms, held by the president’s vassals in return for suitable tokens of loyalty.


We are venturing deep into the territory of corruption and paranoia that is worthy of mentioning in high school textbooks. Cones (plural) of silence, 24/7 security and a workplace smack in the middle of his hometown.

Pruitt acts like this gig will last for the rest of his natural life.


I agree. We have a very Dada crew of miscreants here with this administration. They always seem to want to take something beautiful and make it grotesque.


Belly Laughs.

Just last week - all of these accusations (excessive security staff costs, the sciff, the biometric locks - were raised in a congressional hearing. Poor Pruitt claims this was all done by his staff - he had NO input, NO desire for these provisions, so innocent and of course he didn’t want to waste taxpayer money.

Not only does this letter indicate that he was exploring all of these things (specifications in the exploration for sites) - he also wanted to set up a full headquarters for him - at home (to launch his candidacy for governor?) which would incur huge travel costs between DC and OK - because Cabinet members need to be frequently in DC, not to mention that the agency is based in DC and to cost to relocate the agency would be huge. Unless he believed that the whole agency could be fired and scaled down to a couple of dozen people (cuz - sell off everything to lobbyists and end any environmental protection…) and thus relocating to OK.

Ya - no conflict with the branches of government in that vision. Congress mandates/allocates and he just does his own thing - in OK. WTF?


If only his whole life were soundproof.


There is so much competition, but Pruitt is really pulling ahead of the pack for the model Spanky appointee.