Discussion: Dem Lawmaker Said He Will Protest Moment Of Silence On House Floor

And then what will you do?


I appreciate the sentiment but the optics here are terrible.

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I agree, but from a human perspective, aren’t we beyond optics?


I disagree. He made the case perfectly. Being silent in the face of such a heinous act, refusing to do anything in Congress related to these reoccurring mass murders, failing to regulate assault weapons, all are an “obnoxious expressions of smug incompetence”. I wish this Representative well. His protest is not lost on many of us. I only wish he was my representative. He stands for something…wanting action, not silence…and repeated calls for “thoughts and prayers” isn’t gonna do it either. I want action too…not bullshit silence by people who pocket NRA money openly and then refuse to do anything amounting to common-sense to deal with these ongoing catastrophes. Moments of silence make a mockery of the dead, in light of their consistent inaction. The optics are nothing more than a sanctimonious lie made to make a bunch of lawmakers that sit on their hands, feel less guilty for doing absolutely nothing to change the situation.


As imkmu3 said, what he does instead or next, and who he does it with, is critical. Otherwise he’s spun as just another Un-Amurcan Leftist Democrat who obviously supports Radical Islamic Terrorism. and can’t get along with his colleagues anyway.

Plenty of people are holding moments of silence. The thing is not to left that be the end of your action on this front.

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Silence is all the Republicans ever do when it comes to gun control.

The Republican party and the NRA are the people who put military weapons in this shooter’s hands.


I actually agree with you. It makes me think of all that crap with Kerry and the war medals. Make of that what you will…

What we need to do is have a moment of silence on the NRA’s front steps.


After the moment of silence, the next bill this House will try to pass will probably include an amendment to strip LGBT rights with federal contractors. Don’t forget…that’s still out there. Pathetic.


I like this guy —

Come senators, congressmen please heed the call
Don’t stand in the doorway don’t block up the hall
For he that gets hurt will be he who has stalled
There’s a battle outside and it’s ragin’
It’ll soon shake your windows and rattle your walls
For the times they are a’ changin’!

( Dylan )


Oh, now here’s some news. An apparently bold but actually useless gesture carried out by our public servants. A couple of them–The Moment of Silence and the protest (The Moment of Sound?) Be still, my still-beating American heart.

It’s hard to give a fk. Do your jobs, you fking jackals.


The dead are beyond meaningless gestures and symbolism. It’s the living who suffer. And these ignorant Republican carrion feeders won’t lift a finger to help.


We’ve had years of silence from Congress on this issue—along with GOP ass-kissing of the NRA .


You just can’t pray the nra away!

We need strong lawmakers for that!

Vote each and every nra enabler out of office this November!

It’s about time the dems start running on PRO-CHOICE and ANTI-NRA!


I love this = it takes balls for a politician to go head to head with the NRA.


I’m with this guy. And I think the Silence = Death graphic can be usefully redesigned for this topic


Instead of observing a moment of silence, the members of conscience should stand up, walk throughout the chamber and point to each representative who has refused to vote for common sense gun control legislation and shout at the top of their lungs: “Shame!”


IF they truly meant to show respect to all the victims of mass shootings, they would spend the “silent time” passing gun control legislation. Unanimously.


“Thoughts and prayers”, my ass! Fuck your “thoughts and prayers”, you goddamned Teabagger Traitors! Especially that hypocritical skank Marsha Blackburn, crazy bitch Rep. from my state of Tennessee, who was a fucking homophobe in the womb, and now has the gall to say she has sympathy for the victims. Fuck you, Marsha, and I am NOT apologizing for calling this skanky bitch a “skanky bitch”.

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