Discussion for article #222547
GOOD FOR HAGEN! Don’t run from Obamacare. Go at those GOP bastards with it.
After the NYtimes poll that showed a surprisingly large amount of support for the ACA in NC, the best thing she can do is simply point to the facts, while Tillis has nothing to offer except a promise to take away health care from the others.
You know who they are.
People are already seeing the benefits of ACA, when the 70% of people that already had insurance, see the savings from it on their ins., the right is screwed.
Good to hear a Democrat with backbone. The Repugs and Libertarians who hate Obamacare aren’t going to ever vote for her; but if I lived in her state, I would be much more motivated to get to the polls and vote for her no matter what.
Not quite true. As you’ll notice, she only talks about the Medicaid expansion as a separate issue, without mentioning the overall law.
Other Dems have been doing this too: attacking their opponents on the Medicaid expansion, which is popular, but avoiding mentioning the law as a whole.
So this isn’t really new, not an “all-in” defense of Obamacare.
Bravo! You go, girl! May as well be hung for a sheep as a lamb.
It’s clear bashing Obamacare is losing its effectiveness to the GOP, except for the brain-dead hillbillies who are going to vote for them anyway. So expect Bengahzi!!!1! to make its triumphant return as the issue that will finally - really, no this time I mean it, guys - sink Obama.
That dog won’t hunt in North Carolina.
Riiiight, milk everything you have on Tillis’ “divide and conquer” strategy!
There were protests in Missouri because the legislature there won’t pass the Medicaid expansion.
And moral Mondays began in North Carolina, Go Kay, preach it girl!
“In a flipping of the proverbial script, a Senate Democrat facing a tough re-election race used a confirmation hearing … to advocate forcefully in favor of Obamacare.”
But that doesn’t match the Conventional Wisdom™ of the villagers, so it doesn’t count.
(See how that works?)
Holy shit. Our candidates might actually be learning some things. Most notably, that fear, capitulation, being on defense and apologizing for your accomplishments spell electoral doom.
Hagan should remind voters that we actually do have a Death Panel in this country. It’s called the Republican Party.
Could it be: A Democrat with guts? The Day of Miracles has arrived!
Looks like all that Obamacare advertising directed toward hanging an “albatross” around Kay’s neck, may instead be contributing to her winning the Gold in the NC Senate Race. Benghazi 2 u Thom!!!
Say it loud, and say it proud, “I am for Obamacare”. Get some folks whose lives have been helped by it to talk about the experience. Do it again and again until reality pierces the FIB (Fear-Ignorance-Bubble) of the GOP.
Why this hasn’t been the approach of every single Democrat senator and Congressman since the New Year is completely, completely beyond me. When the Dems lose its because they’re trying not to lose, instead of trying to win.
“Hagan completed her line of questioning by asking how much it would cost states to expand Medicaid in 2014, surely knowing that the federal government covers 100 percent of the costs through 2016.”
Even more, after 2014, the federal government pays for 90 percent of the expansion on an ongoing basis. There’s no justification for not expanding. Most, if not all of the 10% the state has to pay would be made up for with their taxes on the increased income of medical workers.